01| The Model

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Chapter 1: The Model

I walk through the spacious corridors of my school, taking small and steady steps. The voices of the students are heard and echoed throughout the huge building. Students laughing, yelling or even fighting over small things.

It's amusing to watch them, really. But that doesn't mean that it's not frustrating for someone like me, who doesn't like noisy people. I know I should mind my own business, but how can I help myself from not eavesdropping at a girl's fangirling over a--she said and I quote--flaming hot jock member, when she's practically screaming about him? How can I not stare at the couple making out, when it's basically infront of everyone?

Ew, that's disgusting.

It's too early in the morning for this.

You get my point now, right? Being in a private school might seem luxurious to some people but trust me, there's not much of a difference. Despite the fact that most students are total snobs, thinking too mighty of themselves. But at least, they are minding their own business. Most of them, at least.

I know it might sound cliché but it's a common thing here for students to hang out with people of their own clique. For example, there's the music clique, where the students there seem to be fine, I guess. They don't seem to talk much and are mostly focused on their subject. Thankfully for me, their clique is not noisy.

Continuing on, there's the dance clique. It's more like a cheerleading team, so you can understand when I say that these kids are hyper energetic, to the point they can annoy you. Those cheerleaders are everywhere, cheering for nothing in particular and shoving their pompoms in your face. And let's not forget the mini skirts. I'm not really into sports that much, so I wouldn't cheerlead for the jocks even if they paid me to do so.

Speaking of which, the jocks are another clique of our school. A very famous one, I might add. The girls are drooling over those boys all day everyday, non-stop. Sometimes, I wonder who raised these girls. Like, can't they just fangirl peacufully in a corner, like a normal human being? Do they have to go overboard, hovering over them and complimenting their 'nice' biceps as they always say?

Don't get me wrong, I love some good biceps. But I don't go grabbing onto them for dear life.

And lastly, there's my clique. The art class. Yeah, yeah it might sound boring but it's definitely not. For me at least.

My mother always says that the first thing I did when I was a baby, was to pick up a colored pencil and start drawing. Of course, she's exaggerating a little, but it's true that I have been drawing since diapers. I took after her on this, she loves art and her whole career revolves around it as well.

Art is more than a hobby to me. Hobbies are an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. But when I say that, I inhale art, eat art and sleep art, I mean it. I think, I do nothing but draw all day, every day. That's probably why my body is the opposite of fit. I'm sitting on a stool all day painting and barely even go on a walk.

But it's okay. Not everyone has to have a great, fit body. The marshmellow ones are cute too.

Just like the music clique, the Art clique is normal as well. The kids there are peaceful, minding their own business and not bothering anyone. No fangirling, no show-offs or anything.

Well, apart from my friend Mia.

She's a total fangirl, but that's normal considering how bubbly her personality is. She is in the Art class with me and she constantly rants about how she finds this boy cute and the other one hot. And I just sit there waiting for her to stop, knowing that it is pointless trying to stop her.

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