20| Bad Timing

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Chapter 20: Bad Timing

"Don't be nervous." a smile formed on his lips.

Today it's Friday... and you know what I'm supposed to be doing on Fridays? Having frozen yogurt with my friends.

Well, not today.

Because instead of doing that, I'm now sitting on a stool, inside Sam's Art studio. And yes, Sam has a freaking Art studio in his house... A room dedicated to his passion.

For goodness sake, how much more professional can this boy be? Thank God I wasn't trying for a scholarship. I cannot even be compared to Sam and his skills. Not even in the slightest bit.

This boy draws better than me, is more beautiful than me, is better in everything than me.

. . .

Now he's bigger than me, taller than me
and he's older than me
and stronger than me
and his arms a little bit longer than me-

Okay... I'm sorry, I got distracted...


Sam is currently trying to find the correct position for me on the stool, because I don't even know what to do with myself. My hands started fidgeting the moment I stepped foot in his house and by being the considerate person he is, Sam is trying to calm my nerves.

He tells me not to be nervous but...with that voice and looks of his, he just manages to do the opposite of what he wants to achieve... But, how could I ever tell him that?

Hey, Sam. Could you please stop being so hot so I won't feel shy around you?

Absolutely not.

"So... How do you want me to pose?" I questioned, slightly titling my head on the side. "Do you want me like The Girl With The Pearl Earring?" I changed my posture, similar to the portrait I was referring to. "Or like...I don't know...the Birth Of Venus? Just kidding." I laughed awkwardly, knowing pretty well that he wouldn't want me to be nude for his artwork.

Sam gave me a smile. "Olivia, you don't have to be nervous, it's just a portrait. Like, I want the realism of the Renaissance period but with a more modern touch, you know?" he explained, trying for the nth time to calm my nerves.

"But if you feel comfortable in nude, like Venus, by all means, don't let me stop you." he teased, giving me a playful smirk, something that I've never seen on him before. His eyes narrowing in the most attractive way, as if he could see past my skin, with his dimples showing up.

My eyes shot up in shock, trying to fight the warm feeling rushing on my cheeks and tinting them crimson. I felt my heart skipping a beat and I audibly gulped the lump on my throat.

Did he just-

Sam saw my state in utter shock and chuckled. "I'm kidding, of course." he waved his hand reassuringly. "But, whatever floats your boat...but I'm kidding!" he teased again.

He then proceeded to bend down on the floor and picked up a carton box. "So, the modern touch I was referring to, is this." he raised the box for me to get a better look.

I parted my lips to speak, but he was quick to beat me to this."What's this, you ask? It's fairylights that can change colour." he said, as if he was reading my mind.

He walked over to me, with the box still on his hands. He stopped just half a meter away from where I was sitting and then, gently pulled the fairylights out of the box. He started off by decorating them around me and the stool, trying to get the angle he wanted, but didn't seem to achieve doing so. And short after, he let out a dissapointed sigh.

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