32| Free Cake

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Chapter 32: Free Cake

I was wandering around the Mall like a lost soul with the dillweed following close behind, equally as lost.

Thankfully, it wasn't long until I spotted a very cute pastry shop, with all sorts of cakes and desserts.

Chris and I exchanged glances and as if on cue, we wordlessly entered the shop.

The soft ring of the bell and the cool breeze of the AC were the first things to notice while entering in. That was until my eyes automatically glued on the heavenly variety of desserts.

Burying my chocolate cravings down, I searched for the cake display, which I spotted in a near corner.

I tagged on Chris' shirt and aggressively dragged him towards the cake range. His daydreaming about some cream puffs was cut sort at my violent pulling.

I'd also like some dessert right now, but we came here for another reason.

We approached the glassy fridge full of all different kinds of cakes, and my eyes transfixed on some cute ones. They looked proper enough for a mother's birthday cake, so I took my time to inspect them.

A couple of seconds later, I felt a soft nudge on my arm and I turned to look at the boy beside me. "What?" I asked indifferently.

"We should have brought popcorn with us." I couldn't see his face, as he had turned to look somewhere else inside the shop, but his tone sounded amused.

What is he talking about?


He lifted his hand and pointed at the register table. "Watch this." he said and I did.

I slightly titled my head to the side and looked over Chris' shoulder, my eyes following to where his finger was pointing.

A ruckus unwrapped in front of us.

Two employees were running frantically around the table, while a middle-aged woman, that seemed to be the employer, was furiously yelling at the phone. Her face was red from anger and veins were popping at her temples, whilst her shouts were overpowering the soft music playing in the background.

My eyes widened in shock. "What is happening..?"

"Someone canceled on their order." Chris replied, engrossed with the scene.

What a gossiping little thing.

"Oh..." I nodded and turned my body entirely to the front, so that I could be more comfortable while watching.

Yeah, okay. I'm a gossiping little thing too.

We were both sitting side by side, staring at the workers in the most indiscreet way possible.

The old lady was borderline crying in frustration, yelling things along the lines "YOU MADE ME WORK ON THIS CAKE AND NOW YOU DON'T WANT IT?"

"You do realize we're behaving like some gossiping old ladies, right?" I whispered, but made no move to look elsewhere.

"Okay, then go choose the cake and we'll never find out what happens. Go on." he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly with a knowing smirk.

A smirk that was tempting me to wipe off, because he knew I was as entertained by the chaotic situation as he was.

"Okay, maybe one more minute..." I sighed defeated.

For the following minutes, we stood there like some hawks watching their pray. Our bodies were slightly bended behind the cake display in hopes to be less noticeable.

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