02| Caught Red Handed

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Chapter 2: Caught Red Handed

There was a loud thump and an even louder scream coming from beside me, that made my left eardrum nearly bleed.
Startled from the sounds, I curiously turned my head to the source of the chaos, only to see a screaming Mia and a bunch of immature, half-fainted girls in the background.

All the while, Christopher was standing dumbfounded in front of Sam, clearly not wanting to proceed with what he was told to do.

"Mate, I thought you were kidding when you said that yesterday." Christopher said sheepishly and I could sense an Australian accent in his speech.

"Well, no. When I said that yesterday, I wasn't kidding. So 'mate', stop procrastinating and do as I say." Sam rolled his eyes and waved a hand at him.

The jock sighed deeply and with defeated eyes, he grabbed the hem of his shirt, slowly pulling it upwards.

Was he seriously going to take his shirt off?

We're in a class for God's sake. How could Mrs. April approve of this? The girls here were barely alive, Mia was going to collapse any momemt and Peter had fallen on the ground laughing his lungs out. Even I was taken aback from what was currently happening. To say that the class was a complete chaos, would be a total understatement.

Everything felt as if it was magically going in slow motion. All the girls in the class pinned their perverted eyes on the jock, catching on their breaths as he slowly pulled his black shirt off. Muscles flexing in every possible way while he did so. The gasps and fainting sounds increased by the time the boy was left with nothing but his sweat pants.

Admittedly enough, he was quite the sight.

He was pretty toned, I'd give him that. Maybe now I get why Sam chose him as a reference model, he had quite the perfect body for this.

I wasn't expecting anything less though, he was a soccer player after all. And I was not one to gawk like a drooling hyena at someone--excluding Sam--so I just turned around and minded my own business.

° ° °

Today's lesson was interesting....

While I was not distracted in the slightest bit from the circus in front of me and I even finished the fruit synthesis that I've been working on for the past few lessons, the rest of the class seemed... uncoordinated, to say the least.

Let me review.

First and foremost, Sam, who was sitting in the front as always, was more in his zone than ever before, completely unaware of the chaos that he created. He looked like one of those characters in comedy movies where there's a complete catastrophe going on behind them, will fire explosions and comet rain, while they just casually bend down to admire a dandelion on the grass.

But I had to admit, his new art piece seemed to be going extremely well, no matter the bizzare model he chose for inspiration.

Speaking of which, this specific model seemed to inspire the rest of the female class to do exactly the opposite of drawing.
For starters, Mia didn't even touch her artwork, as she was too busy drooling all over her paint brushes and probably daydreaming about how their babies would look like.

Actually no, scratch that.

I was one hundred percent sure that she had dreamt about their wedding ceremony before anything else.

Sucks for her though, because I bet, the same thoughts were running through the heads of all the other girls in this classroom, who apparently lacked any common sense of dignity.

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