34| Like Wild Animals

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Chapter 34: Like Wild Animals

Despite Mia's threatening tone, Matt didn't flinch one bit. He actually had the bright idea to tease her even more.

Bad move Matt... very bad move.

"It's alright kitten, you're very small. You can fit it somewhere with you." he smiled wickedly and that was the time, Mia had enough of his act.

A dark, stormy cloud appeared on top Mia's frowning gaze, ready to strike a thunder.

It was at this moment that we knew things were about to go down.

Wordlessly, all nine of us gathered around Matt's car, too engrossed--for our own good with this verbal fight that was about to happen between Mia and Minho.

At least, I hoped it would be a verbal one.

Everything fell silent for a moment.

Well, excluding the slurping sounds Sam, Peter and I made with our drinks. And Ava's loud munching noises with her crunchy apple.

Sky, Chris, Liam and Blake scooted closer to each other to watch the scene on High Definition as Felix came to stand beside me.

"Oh no... The M&Ms are going to pick a fight..." he whispered excitedly.

Talk about great friends.

He along with everyone else--yes, including me--were behaving as if we're about to watch the movie of the year. But if by chance, that movie turned out to be a slaughter scene, we'd welcome it too.

Too bad we didn't have popcorn with us.

But wait just a minute.

"M&Ms?" I tested the word in my tongue.

What did Felix mean by that?

"M and M... Matt&Mia..?" I mumbled and Felix heard me.

"Bingo." he gave me a thumbs up.

I tried not to snort. "How long did it take you to come up with this ship name?"

"Two seconds actually, it wasn't this hard." the freckled boy beside me shrugged nonchalantly. "I was binging on some M&Ms that time and got inspired."

Of course you did.

"I think I like it."

"I know, I know. Me too." he gave me a conceited grin to which I shook my head incredulously.

I turned my head to look back at the movie--I mean, Mia and Matt.

The once pink fluff, had turned into a red one out of fury.

Damn, I think I missed the opening scene.

"Tell you what, you can put it where you sit." Mia clenched her jaw and started walking dangerously close to him.

Matt seemed to process her words carefully, his head titling to the side in pure confusion. "Put it where I sit? You mean my as-"

"ACHOO." Felix sneezed out of the blue and rubbed his itchy nose.

"Bless you." Ava patted his back softly.

Felix smiled and nodded at her. "Thank you."

Seems like the movie was censored by the editors.

Momentarily, Mia glanced back to us, before focusing her eyes on Matt with the huge box in his hands. "Well, I meant to place it in your seat instead. But that could work too, I guess."

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