16| Lovely Raccoons

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Chapter 16: Lovely Raccoons

I haven't asked her yet but, I think Mia was crying last night. I could hear her sniffling in my pillows the whole night.
The reason is still unknown.

I may not know what have triggered her but, I know for a fact that she was crying over Matt again. Seriously, this girl...

Was it because she was too overwhelmed by Matt turning on full fit-mode at the stadium and shed tears of happiness?

Was it because she revealed her true self at the McDonald's and now Matt knows that she is not that cute little shy girl after all and wants to dig a hole?

We will find out in a bit, because for the time being, we are waiting for Ava to come by for a little girl talk. It's still early in the morning though.

Oh well, not quite. It's almost ten but it's still early for me. Let alone Mia, who during weekends, wakes up after twelve.

But apart from that, we thought that it would be nice to have a cup of tea together. Besides, I want to know how Ava is doing. The talk we had yesterday morning was quite shocking for her and I would like to know how she feels.

I assume that all three of us will be lovely...raccoons. I bet, no one had a good sleep.


Yep. My assumption was correct. We are definitely raccoons.

Not so lovely though...

We are all a big, horrendous mess. I don't even think that any of us slept a wink last night. The dark circles are becoming a living species of their own...

On the one hand we have Mia, whose eyes are blood red from crying and her face is puffy like a sour dough bread.

On the other hand, Ava. She doesn't seem to be her normal self either. She is oddly quiet and she has a lifeless, blank expression, as if she is in deep thought. Although, she doesn't seem to want to talk about whatever she has in her mind.

And as for me... Well, let's not go there. We already know how I look like when I'm not in a good state. The only thing that kept me awake, was the fact that I couldn't draw to ease my nerves. And that's because Mia was in my bedroom the whole night, crying her eyeballs out.
But now that I think of it and considering the circumstances, I doubt that by drawing, I would have calmed down.

The curiosity has taken the best of me, as to why they are both like this.

But before I jumped into questions, I chose to be a good host and make them feel at home. So now, we are all seated at the kitchen counter, wearing fluffy robes--that I gave them previously--with a cup of coffee in our hands. I actually made a cup of tea for me, because I don't really like coffee. I already have abnormally high heart palpitations and if I were to drink coffee, I would either get a heart attack or turn into beast mode.

With a zombie-like expression, we are sipping our drinks while staring at what's infront of us. No one talking, just spacing out.

I guess that my kitchen's wall is very appealing to us right now. We are observing every corner of it, as if it's the most mesmerising thing.

The silence got interrupted the moment my mom entered the kitchen, looking taken aback from the unexpected guests in our house. She still had her sleepy face and bed-hair visible. She must have worked hard last night for her to wake up this late.

"Good mor--Oh, hi girls! Wha--How come you are here this early? Especially, you Mia. You don't normally wake up this early." Her eyes darted to Mia's current state and turned big in shock.

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