18| Angry Kitten

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Chapter 18: Angry Kitten

"It's kinda cute."

"Cute?!" Felix scoffed in disbelief.
"Didn't you listen to her a minute ago? She was like a tiger wanting to swallow us whole." he shivered and his grip on my shoulder tightened.

Matt let out a low chuckle, his eyesbrows raising amusingly.
"A tiger?" he said rhetorically.
He then glanced back to the corridor for the second time. "More like an angry kitten. She shouts more than she bites." he stated, a small smirk slowly forming on his lips. "It's cute."


I'm not possibly witnessing this right now, am I?

Matt my boy, what on earth?

Felix and I exchanged glances, both weirded out by the older boy's act. "Why are you laughing?" Felix questioned him confused.

"Nothing." Matt shook his head but continued chuckling on his own thoughts like a psycho.

° ° °

"Guys, you do know that the boys are waiting for us in the cafeteria to have lunch together, right?" Felix reminded us, attempting to make us move from our spot.

The four of us were standing just outside the cafeteria entrance, as if we were some flower pots for decoration. Ava was getting tired of standing and Felix was starving, as usual. On the other hand, Mia and I tried our best to avoid the situation we were in.

Mia took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I'm in no condition of being less than 50 meters away from Matt right now."

"And I am in no condition of being less than 100 meters away from both Sam and Christopher, right now." I added.

"And I'm not in the mood of babysitting those two, in case they choose to collapse from embarrassment or something. So, we'll just go sit in a separate table today." Ava sighed like a tired mom, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground, tired of standing.

Felix sighed desperately, closing his eyes in the process and nodded his head in understanding. "Alright. Then I'll come sit with you guys."

"NO." both Mia and I said in sync.

"You can't ditch your friends just because we cannot control our own stupid actions." I patted his shoulder, feeling grateful that he was eager to stood his pals just to be with us.

"And can't control the words coming out of our mouths." Mia added, shutting her eyes close, recalling what happened with Matt previously.

I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him to step forward. "So, go on and sit with your friends with functional brains and let us, the stupid motherfathers, be." I opened the door for him, the sound of plates clicking becoming louder.

Felix turned his head to us, while still being forced to walk forward. "Fine. But I'll come to you at some point." he smiled and walked inside the busy room, looking around to spot his group of friends.

Us on the other hand, tried our best to walk silently through the room, hiding behind the busy bodies that were rushing to grab their lunch. Mia and I tried to be unnoticeable from some certain someones, burring our faces deeper in our hair, while Ava led the way.

The things we do to save our sorry gluteus maximus...

Once we successfully managed to get our lunch tray and sit down to the furthest table possible, without being caught, a long sigh of relief escaped my lips.

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