39| A Very Merry Un-Birthday

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Chapter 39: A Very Merry Un-Birthday

After the humiliating defeat of me loosing the match against the pink fluff, we decided to call it a day and get back home. I was bitter and silent the whole time, too embarrassed to even talk.

Did she have to play me this dirty? I thought it was just a fight game, not a straight-up road trip to the pit hole of embarrassment.

I mean, it wasn't like I didn't gain anything out of my defeat... Apart from the humiliation, at least I got a date. Which, in all honesty, I have no idea how to feel about. I haven't even been to a date before, so I have no experience in what people do in dates whatsoever. Are we supposed to hold hands and drink from the same milkshake like Ava and Liam?

God, no. That's weird.

How can I persuade Chris to take back his words? The idea of a date intimidates me.

After the game, the girls and I went to Felix's house to take a shower and freshen up, while all the boys did the same at Matt's. Mia and I remained silent, sulking and giving each other nasty glares while Ava sighed like a tired mother. I haven't talked to her for the last two hours, she deserves even worse after exposing me like a cell under a microscope.

Matt suggested we have a nightly hangout at his house, since his and Felix's parents would be out for dinner. Honestly, I'd rather stay locked in the bathroom than face the whole group again. Blake wouldn't stop questioning Mia and I about the things we spat at one another previously. The poor, innocent boy couldn't understand. I had no intentions of telling him or anyone else at that matter, whatsoever.

Before getting at Matt's, the girls, Felix and I dropped by the supermarket to grab some refreshments and snacks, in case we'd be watching a movie. I really hoped a horror film wasn't on the list.

Here we were now, knocking on Matt's door for God knows how long. Seven-almost-grown up boys inside this house and no one volunteered to open the door for us? The disrespect...

Were they playing video games? No one seemed to be inside the house, it was dead silent.

It was getting dark and Ava called Liam countless times, before fuming like a teapot upon her unanswered calls. She started getting dramatic and saying that it was the end of their relationship just because... he wasn't picking up.

She would get over it once she'd see him again. She couldn't stay mad at him for too long, his dimples are too adorable as she said.

I felt a shoft, gingerly nudge on my shoulder.

I didn't need to look at the person to know who it was.

Mia has been trying to get back to talking terms with me. So far, I've been giving her the cold shoulder.

"Olivia..." she said softly. "Livy~" she called again when I didn't reply. "Come on, you know I didn't mean to make you mad..." The pouty chiwawa, dressed in a floral baby blue dress, tagged on my shirt, with her tail between her legs. I didn't pay her attention and continued banging on Matt's wooden door loud enough for the whole area to hear us.

Not that there was any other house around. This was a secluded area. Just two houses near a lake. It would sound creepy had it not been for my friends and their parents being here.

"I promise, I didn't plan on saying this stuff! I lost it, okay? Sometimes you just loose it..." she grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her. Regret painted all over her face.

I heard Felix coughing awkwardly once he saw a small vein popping from the corner of my eye.

I wasn't just mad at her for exposing me, I was also mad at her for exposing herself as well. Well, to be precise, she made me expose her through her behaviour. What if we had exposed more things? I couldn't have her go around spitting secrets every time she loses it as she said.

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