05| Side Dish

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Chapter 5: Side Dish

"So Chris, where were you?" Sam asked him curiously.

"Ah, you know, important stuff. Captain's stuff." Christopher replied proudly, stretching his arms behind his head, as if he had accomplished an herculean task.

As soon as he said that, I heard Liam snorting from the other end of the table.

"If by captain's stuff you mean helping the janitor clean the gym and picking up balls, then sure. Whatever floats your boat, Cap." Matthew commented sarcastically.

"Oh, stop teasing him, you made him blush." Felix exclaimed with a mischievous smile. "How adorable." he snorted amusingly.

I slightly widened my eyes when I saw Christopher awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with an obvious pinkish shade on his ears.

For a moment there, I wondered how could such a person like Christopher, who seemed to be obnoxious most of the time, be kind enough to help a poor man with his job. I was even more weirded out at the fact that he could actually blush like a normal human being and not act all cocky and mighty.

"Haha, very funny." Christopher  commented sarcastically, his eyes averting somewhere behind me for a split second. "Well, whilst you guys are making fun of my humane side, there is a team over there that is in need of its captain's great abilities and insight." he pointed his thumb at the table on the other end of the cafeteria, where a bunch of buffed guys were, practically, summoning him to go over to them.

The jocks.

One of the most popular guys of our school. Every girl had her eyes transfixed on that table to gawk at the eye candies during lunch.

"Don't miss me too much, shortcake." he gave me one last glance before leaving the table. Smirking on his way there, as he was well aware that he got on my nerves for the hundredth time today, due to his use of this stupid nickname.

I must have looked like a fuming tea pot because I felt Ava nudging me to calm down.

"Don't take him too seriously." Liam gave me an almost apologetic smile, clearly disapproving his captain's behavior.

"He's just teasing you." Felix reassured.

"It's just that it has been only a few hours with him and he has tried every possibly way to get on my nerves. And, the annoying thing is that he has succeeded every time." I blurted out frustratedtly. "I don't know how to make him stop bothering me."

And for fork's sake, how could I make him stop using that stupid nickname?

I sweared, I was not going to eat strawberry shortcake for a very long time. He'd mentally traumatised me.

"Liv, sorry to disappoint you but once Chris finds something amusing, he rarely lets it go. Just do what we've been doing this whole time and ignore him." Sam shrugged his shoulders while I started banging my head on the table out of desperation.

"Thank you very much. Like I haven't been doing this already." I mumbled.

"The thing is though, that Olivia might have a better chance at making him stop, than we ever did. He doesn't mind us anymore. He's gotten too comfy. But with Olivia....." Matthew looked like he came up with a wicked plan, given the way his eyes glinted with mischief.

"Can you stop thinking wickedly for at least a minute?" Sky sighed exasperatedly.

"Let the man speak!" Peter seemed too invested in Matthew's plan.

"What do you mean?" I questioned curiously.

"What would you say if I told you that there is a way to get under his skin?" Matthew looked at me mischievously.

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