19| Anonymous Callers

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Chapter 19: Anonymous Callers

"I'm sorry..."

Mia and I were going back home, since the school day was, thankfully, over. We were walking on the pavement, passing through the busy bodies, with my head hanging low in guilt.

Even though we remained silent, the atmosphere was tensed. Mia wasn't talking to me, not a single word and it started to really bother me on the inside.

I fidgeted with my fingers and played with the straps of my school bag, a sheepish, yet apologetic smile crept on my lips.

"I know." Mia exclaimed nonchalantly.

"But, I really am, though."

"Yes. You should be." seeing her act so cold towards me really hurt me. I don't know how to make it up to her.

"I will never put you in that position, ever again." I said, hoping that she would spare me a glance.

"I hope so." and it worked. Although her face remained emotionless--or rather cold--it was enough for me that she now accepted to look at me for once.

A cheerful smile formed in my lips as I playfully nudged her with my elbow. "Sooo... Are we good?" I flattered my eyelashes for the extra cuteness that she likes. And despite her managing to keep a straight face, her voice tone became softer, not much, but still softer than before.

"Yes. We're good." she clicked her tongue.

". . ."

"...But, Liv." Mia glanced over at me, her face turning serious. "Seriously, you have to do something." she sighed concerned. "I'm getting worried that stuff will get worse."

My eyebrows knotted in confusion and my head slightly leaned to the side. "What do you mean?"

She proceeded to inhale deeply, clapping her hands together, ready to elaborate me further. "If you are not honest with yourself, then stuff will definitely get worse."

I chuckled lightly out of my uneasiness of not knowing what she meant. I was getting worried that something important might have happened without me being aware.

"Again, what do you mean?" I watched as her brows frowned to my question.

I started to get the feeling that I would get brutally lectured from her, exactly like the lecture I gave Ava the previous Saturday.

I guess, even karma seemed to be mad at me, now.

"Umm, Mia-" I tried to get her on my good side, in case my assumption was correct. But she interrupted me right away.

"Look." she stopped on her tracks, making me stop along with her. "I love you and all. I would do everything for you and yes, I got mad because you made me embarrass myself infront of my crush, but," she breathed in. "I realised that I cannot try anymore, because it won't work. I'll just stop trying." she stated, indicating that she will start acting normal around Matt and not all shy and cute.

She then put a hand on her chest, emphasizing her statement. "I realised that for my own sake. But, what are you gonna do, when you don't realise what's best for your sake?" she put a hand on my shoulder.

"I know what's best f-"

"Olivia!" she whined, already fed up with my stubborness. She turned me to face her, while grabbing both of my shoulders in her hands. She made contact with my eyes in all seriousness. "Who do you want?" she asked firmly.

"I want... Umm, Tom Holland?" I replied unsure. Because, come on now, cut me some slack here. I can't choose just one out of my hundred celebrity crushes. That's obscure!

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