37| A Beautiful Sack Of Potatoes

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Chapter 37: A Beautiful Sack Of Potatoes

There was nothing in the world I wanted to do more than to evaporate into thin air and cease to exist.

Having Chris stare down at me like that, with an arched brow, folded arms and this mischievous smirk of his, drove me crazy. My cheeks were burning up in 150 degrees. I felt pinned down, unable to do anything other than stare up at him. 

I scooted closer to Mia, who was equally flustered and embarrassed. That look in Matt's eyes seemed to be unbearable for her. And I could tell why. I had another boy staring down at me in the same way.

Changing species and turning into an ostrich actually sounded like a great idea. I wouldn't be able to meet his eyes under the ground.

How much had they heard from our conversation?

A part of me was itching to know, but the other part of me thought that it was better to stay unaware.

Chris' lips spread into a wide smile.

Oh no. 

"Alright girls, let's stop fighting over biceps now and go for a swim, shall we?" he averted his gaze from Mia to me and his grin got wider.

Boy, if only I wasn't so frozen on the spot right now, I would have smacked that pretty little grin of yours away from your pretty little face.

But of course, I was too dumbstruck to function properly.


He held a finger near my lips,  shushing me. "No buts, shortcake. Only mine," he winked.

The conceited little-

Under other circumstances, I would have made sure to snatch his eye out, so that he would stop winking at me. But my nervous system had yet to wake up.

He proceeded to grab my hand, attempting to pull me towards the lake, but I was refusing to move. My body was as motionless as a mountain.


"I know, my Snookums, I know. You want to touch my butt, I get it, but just control yourself, okay?" he teased and attempted to make me move, but he failed. He tried a second time, but failed again.

"No, I don't-"

"It's okay, my Snookums, no need to feel ashamed," he chuckled and sneakily wrapped a hand around my waist.

"No—AHHH CHRIS PUT ME DOWN!" I yelped when I realized I couldn't feel the ground anymore. 

My head started spinning the moment he threw me over his shoulder, like some towel. He did it so effortlessly that for a moment there, I wondered wether I was really made out of marshmallow. But then, his hand grabbed the back of my thighs to keep me stable and I pretty much could tell that this was warm skin and not marshmallow.

I tried to look around me, but all I could see was he bare back and his...butt.

It looked nice and firm. Maybe Chris was right—I'd really like to touch it indeed.

My kidnapper started walking closer to the lake, laughing uncontrollably at my wiggly state. "Chris, put me down this instant. What kind of bridal style is this?" I hissed and hit his back with all my strength.

"You wouldn't budge, shortcake. I had to make you move somehow," he said and gripped on my thighs tighter, making sure that I wasn't going to slip from his hold.

This was enough to immobilize me completely.

I tried to fight back the warm sensation crawling on my cheeks, but it wasn't easy. The constant hammering of my heart only intensified every time his fingertips brushed gently on my skin. I chose to focus on the ground instead and watch how the grass turned into little wet pebbles and the wet pebbles to water. I lifted my gaze and glanced back at where I was once standing—before this irrational boy decided to pick me up and throw me on his broad shoulders like a lifeless object—only to see something unexpected.

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