38| Water Fights

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Chapter 38: Water Fights

"What kind of game?" Felix asked suspiciously, speaking my mind.

Blake took a big breath, his face lighting up with excitement. "So, we're gonna split into teams of two. In each team one person is gonna climb on the other person's shoulders and try to destroy the other teams' human tower!" he clapped his hands cheerfully, glancing at all of us with anticipation. His eyes fixated on the Lava couple with Ava already sat on Liam's shoulders. Blake pointed his finger at them. "Our couple over there is already a tower, so now, we only need one more team to fight them!" he giggled devilishly.

Did he sound violent, or was it just me?

"Alright, who's gonna pair up with who?" He asked and wordlessly, we all looked at one another, unsure of how we'd devide into teams of two.

"Kitten's with me," Matt broke the silence, smirking wickedly, while lowering his gaze on Mia.

The short girl widened her eyes in disbelief and shook her head furiously. "What? I don't want to! You're gonna throw me in the water again—!"

"Get on and let's get this over with," he narrowed his gaze at her and bended down, so that Mia could climb on his shoulders.

The girl groaned in frustration, displeased with her fighting partner. Since no one seemed to volunteer to steal her away from her 'misery', Mia climbed up on Matt's shoulders, gripping on his hair tightly for support. She made sure to add a little more pressure on her grip, taking revenge to which Matt winced in pain. He proceeded to slap her hands away from his hair, that had suffered enough for the day, and interlocked their hands together instead.

Despite the huge scowl and angry pout on Mia's face, I could tell that deep down she was enjoying this so-called misery of hers. So was Matt. The boy was beyond smug about it.

Watching the way everyone's eyes focused on me next, since I was the only girl remaining and an easier body to lift, I gulped. I saw the way Chris parted his lips to speak and I panicked. "I'm going with Blake!" I yelled anxiously, not wanting to risk anything.

The poor boy held a terrified look and stared at me apologetically. "Uh...Olivia, with all due respect, I-I can't even support myself, let alone another person on top of me..." he rubbed the back of his neck and I sighed.

Wasn't he the one that wanted to play this game?

It was okay, there were more fish in the sea.

More like sharks than fish. Inside a lake.

"Then, I'll go with Sky!"

"You know, there's a reason why I chose the music course, instead sports. I can't compete with those," Sky laughed, self-pitying his own body and comparing it to the rest of his friends. In all honesty, there was an obvious lack of muscle mass in Sky's body, but that was only visible when he stood right next to his sporty friends.


"Nope, I'm staying out of this," he laughed and withdrew his body, stepping out of the human circle we had created.

This little traitor-

I frustratedly run a hand through my face and groaned. Never in my life had I experienced so many rejections. Three in a row. Damn, such loyalty from my friends.

"Sam? You're tall and I'm sure you can lift me, right?"

Sam rubbed the back of his neck apologetically and smiled. "Like you said, I'm tall. Which means it's too dangerous for anyone to climb on my shoulders. I think, I'll stay out of this too," he followed Felix and I sighed yet again.

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