17| What A Sketch

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Chapter 17: What A Sketch

"Is there a problem Sam? You seem quite troubled."

A tired sigh escaped from Sam's smooth lips, as he frowned his eyebrows in frustration. "Well miss April, this guy," he pointed his paintbrush at the shirtless cauliflower accusingly, "just keeps on building new muscles EVERY week and I constantly have to retouch the painting."

A playful smirk curved in Christopher's lips as he started stretching his arms, his muscles flexing that way. "Well, you know us, athletes..." he run a hand through his hair, "apart from talent, we are also a product that has to represent our athletic abilities and impress the...crowd." he kept a smug face and turned his head to the girls of the classroom, wiggling his eyebrows in a playful manner.


"Well, he is not wrong, though." I heard Mia's voice from beside me. "Like, dang look at his back." her voice dripping with admiration.


"I mean, I've been counting his muscle parts and I can probably tell in which muscle Sam is referring to. It's the one closer to his left coeliac. Did you know that they have muscles under their belly bottom? Unless, only of he does..." she rambled.


I kept drawing my sketch, my eyes averting from the paper on my desk to the boy in my front.

"Are you drawing Christopher's back?" her voice became curious in no time and peeked her head from beside my shoulder.

"What? No!" my eyes shot up and  my pencil dropped. "I've been trying to draw Sam  and I just happen to start off with Christopher instead because... Uh, he was in the way..?"

Mia gave me a look, her eyes raising and her arms folding in disbelief. "Riiight. And pigs can fly." she mocked. "Let me see now." she stretched her hand, trying to get a grip of the paper.

"NO." I tried to push her away.

But being the stubborn pink fluff she is, she didn't listen. "Gimme! I wanna see." she whined and forced herself on me.

With my right hand on her forehead, I prevented her from coming any closer. She continued putting force in the opposite direction. Her hands on either sides of my body, wiggling  aggressively in order to steal the sketch away from me, but I kept it high in the air with my left hand.

She was putting so much strength that I had to sit down on the desk and stable myself.
And as we continued this childish act, the school bell rang and students started rushing off the room, making in harder for me to keep my balance on the wooden surface.

"Whatchu have there, Livy boo? What were you up to today?"

An oh-so familiar voice spoke from behind me and a second later, the sketch that was once kept in my hands, was now out of my grip. A dangerous territory had it in his possession, his eyes lowering down to analyze the drawing.

I froze on my spot.

My body was in complete inactivity from the shock. My jaw had dropped and my eyes went wide. I had stopped in the exact same position as I was holding Mia previously

But it wasn't just me.

Mia had stopped moving like a darn seaweed as well and with the corner of my eye, I could see that she had turned pale as well. Almost as if she was embarrassed on my behalf as well.

This is one of the many times in my life, that I just want to dig a whole 100 meters deep and stay there until I die from starvation.

Not only had Christopher taken my sketch, but also, Sam was standing right beside him, observing the drawing as well.

Draw MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora