25| Nine Undercover Spies

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Chapter 25: Nine Undercover Spies

Okay, I know what's happening here.

I knew I shouldn't have smelled these poppies previously. Because, I have read in a botanical book in my school, that the poppy's seed, that's on the inside, makes you hallucinate.

Yeah, that is it.

That explains everything. I couldn't be seeing Matt here, out of all places. Let alone the fact that he is currently on top of Mia, both covered in dirt.

Yeah, that's definitely an illusion.

"Ugh..." Mia groaned in pain, her brows frowned and eyes shut in pure suffering. "My ribs... I think I broke them." she tried to stand up, but the hallucination on top of her, was equally as hurt as her and couldn't move.

"Oh God, this will bruise everywhere..." Matt cringed, squinting his eyes, his tone barely audible from the torment.

Mia shifted from her laying position, trying to break free from the weight that was pressed on her body, but she failed doing so. "Get off of me, you hairless orangutan!" she exclaimed frustratedly and pushed Matt away. She sat on her butt and shivered in disgust. "Ugh, I can feel the dirt inside me. There's in places it shouldn't be and it's itchy!" she dusted the dirt off her dress and picked inside her cleavage. Her eyes widened at the sight of the chaos going on inside her clothes and tried to shake off as much soil as possible.

She looked like a pepper grinder.

Matt seemed guilty for causing such trouble to her and stretched his hand towards Mia's figure. "Here, let me help yo-"

"Say what?! Don't touch me, you pervert!" the infuriated girl slapped the boy's hand harshly and gave him a death glare.

Matt's eyes shot up in shock, while vigorously shaking his head in embarrassment. "No, I didn't mean it like that! Just--Let me help you stand up at least." he quickly stood up from the floor and lowered down his hands, attempting to help Mia stand up. But while doing so, Mia's hand slipped from Matt's grasp and yet again, both fell down on the floor, on top of each other.

"Ow!" both of them cringed in pain for the second time.

The whole time, I was just standing there like a stick, thinking that this hallucination side effects from the poppy's seed, were taking awfully long to cease. "Guys... I don't think this is working." I tried to warn them, before anything worse would happen next from their clumsiness. I moved from my spot and went to help their pitiful state, but I froze dead on my tracks short after.

"Wow, Felix... This is your captain..?" a familiar voice snorted from behind me, but when I turned my head back to look who spoke, I saw no one.

Why am I hearing Peter's voice all of a sudden? This side effects are really something else. I'm starting to get the creeps...

As I was about to turn to the front, I stopped my momentum, as from the corner of my eye, I saw something moving and sifting behind some big flower pots.

More like a someone.

But then, I heard more sifting and shuffling of the leaves and without even processing what was happening, one by one, five boys revealed themselves from the plants.

And unsurprisingly enough, these boys were my friends. What on earth is happening today?

Their heads were peeking through the shadows, like baby kangaroos that come out from their mom's pouch. Casually stepping out from their hideout, as if it was the most common and normal thing to do.

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