35| Sun's Cream

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Chapter 35: Sun's Cream

"Does this swimsuit make me look fat?"

That wasn't the first time Mia asked this question.

For the past ten minutes, she has been checking herself in the mirror and adjusting the straps of her pastel pink and purple tie-die bikini every two seconds. After switching around four other swimsuits—an obscure number of swimsuits to bring for just a three—day trip-she had settled on this one, but apparently she wasn't entirely satisfied with it either.

Ava and I, already dressed a simple sundress over our bikinis, waited for her mighty Miss America to wrap it up and let us join the boys in the lake. I was leaning against the door frame of Felix's guest room while Ava was scrolling on her phone.

"Mia, the guys are waiting, we got no time for this," with a sigh, I straightened up and grabbed her by the arm, forcefully dragging her all the way out of the room and as far away from mirrors as possible. She yelped in protest and hurried on wearing her sundress.

"Also," Ava followed from behind, "it's not the swimsuit's fault."

A sparkle of mischief flashed in Ava's hazel eyes and a small smirk formed on her lips as Mia craned her neck to give her a glance. A glance too powerful and deadly than anyone could give, much like the one Matt received before she pounced at him some hours ago.

Cautiously, I tightened my grip on the little tiger and forced her to look forward. "You should really cut down on your double chocolate cookies intake, Mia."

As a response I got a frustrated huff from Mia, too proud to verbally agree with me. At least she was being responsive again and not all sulky and silent like before. During the four-hour car drive, I didn't manage to get a single word out of her. Not even Peter and Felix's jokes cracked her. I was happy to see her being back to talking terms after we settled in Felix's house.

The boys settled in Matt's house instead—for obvious reasons. We didn't want anything scandalous happening in the night...

To be more clear, in this friend group, two of the people were unofficially-official together and things could escalate really quick. The so-called Lava ship, as Chris liked to call it.

And let's not forget about the other two people that just some hours ago were about to rip each other's throat out.

As someone wise once said, you never know how things will turn out. Better be safe than sorry. We keep it PG-13 here, folks!

As the girls and I hurriedly sprinted down the staircase and the thought of eight boys swimming in the lake right behind the closed doors settled in, I suddenly started feeling a little self-conscious. An unwelcomed feeling of uneasiness nestled in the pit of my stomach.

It was safe to say that I wasn't feeling too confident in this pastel green bikini Mia had forced me to wear. Apparently, I had purposely forgotten to bring one with me and Mia was so kind as to lend me one of hers—claiming that the color complimented my eyes and other excuses that made me give in and wear it.

I was feeling just fine a moment ago...before the picture of eight well-built teenage boys appeared in front of me. I'm pretty aware of how my body looks like—especially compared to theirs—and let me tell you, there's an obvious difference between their fit body and my marshmallow-like one...

I mean, I know that I shouldn't be comparing a female's to a male's body, because there're nothing alike, but this doesn't make up for the fact that I'm lacking some necessary muscles mass in my built.

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