27| Wounded Shortcake

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Chapter 27: Wounded Shortcake

I woke up the next day in my bed, feeling dizzy. A constant hammering pierced my skull, making it harder for me to open my eyelids. When I did, I saw my left leg wrapped in bandages. Thankfully, it was just sprained and not broken.

The first thing that got in my mind when I recalled yesterday's incident was to check my phone.

I wasn't mentally prepared for the bombardment of notifications.

28 missed calls from Mia and 32 unread messages.

5 missed calls from Ava and 11 unread messages.

7 missed calls from Felix and 8 unread messages.

1 unread message from Matt, Sky, Liam and Blake.

2 missed calls and 2 unread messages from Sam.

1 message from Christopher.

Just one? Yesterday he looked so worried while playing the knight in shining armor and now he only-

Anyway, I don't care.

4 missed calls from Peter and 7 unread messages.

Peter... God, he must have gotten hurt too. I only heard him groaning in pain before I blacked out yesterday and after that, I don't know what happened to him. To be precise, I don't know anything that happened afterwars, since I was most of the time unconscious.

I should really call him and check up on him.

I went through my contacts and dialed his phone number. I placed the phone next to my ear and heard it ringing for only a second before he picked up.

"Oh my God, Liv are you okay? I was so worried!"


"I wanted to check up on you at the hospital, but when we arrived there, you had already left. It was my fault we were late. I couldn't come to my senses easily, because I was hurting a lot and couldn't get inside a cab."


"I'm really sorry I couldn't come there on time. Chris told us that it wasn't something concerning, but still you got your leg wrapped. What happened, did you break it?"


"Godammit, it's all my fault, I should have been more careful, I'm such an idiot. I don't even know why you still want to hang around with me. I'm really, so sorry, Liv."

"Peter, calm down, I'm fine! A little dizzy still, my body aches yes, but my foot is alright. It's not swelled anymore and not broken either. It's just a sprain."

Darn this kid. He didn't even hear me calling his name all this while.

"I don't remember anything to be honest. Not even how I got there, so don't feel bad about not coming to check up on me. I'm really okay, I'm worried about you actually. Do you have any bruises or wounds?"

"I don't have any wounds."

"Okay, but what about bruises?" I raised an eyebrow.

He can't possible have no scratch on him. He fell really hard on the ground.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I have a couple of those..."

"Did you check them up at the hospital?"

"Yeah, Sam insisted, so a nurse did a check up on my head and tail bone, 'cuz you know, I fell down on my butt." I could feel his embarrassment while saying the last part and I inaudibly giggled.

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