10| Mental Break Down

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Chapter 10: Mental Break Down

It was Sunday morning and all I'd been doing for the past one and half an hour, was talk on the phone with Felix.

But not just your typical phone call with your male best friend.

No, honey. No.

All we talked and stressed about, was how on earth could we make the MattxMia ship happen.

I didn't even sleep well tonight, because a certain someone called me at two in night, crying about another certain someone that didn't come to the stadium on Saturday, like he normally does.

What I mean is that Mia called me last night. And the phone call went like this:

"WHY DIDN'T HE COME TO THE STADIUM!?" a very crying mess yelled from the other side of the phone, making my left ear bleed.
I could feel the headache slowly building up from her screaming.

What was wrong with this girl? At two in the freaking midnight even?

Why did I even pick up the phone? Worst decision of my life.

Why was I up this late in the first place? Well, that's another story.

"Wow, wow, WOW. Mia, calm down please. It's 2 a.m. in the night, don't scream like that, your neighbours will call the police if you-"

"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE RIGHT NOW?!" she interrupted me and continued crying like a baby.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed in frustration with my best friend's arrogance.

"Honestly, no. You don't seem like you care. But please, at least consider that it's night and I'm having a headache. So, keep it down and tell me what's wrong, okay?" my voice was so raspy at that moment, that it sounded like as if I had been smoking for years. "Whom are you talking about?" I asked her, even though, I was well aware that she was crying about Matt.

I didn't know she would become a cry baby over this boy.

I heard her sniffle from the other side. "Don't play dumb, Liv. You know who." I could practically see her glaring at me. "I know that you have figured it all out already, EXCEPT HIM AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO RIGHT NOW." she started yelling again. "And--and I-I thought that I could handle it and that it wouldn't get worse, b-but I cried the moment I s-started eating the popsicle till now a-and I CAN'T STOP!" she said between hiccups and uncontrollable crying.


So, yes. I didn't get any sleep because of her...

And just because I felt bad for her, I was obligated to do something about it. Not because she asked me to, but because I couldn't stand seeing her in dispair. So the next morning, the first thing I did, was to call Felix and tell him about this...unfortunate incident.

My poor ear still hurts...

But, even after talking and discussing what we could possibly do, nothing came out. So, we agreed to figure something out during school tomorrow. Hopefully, I could sleep peacefully then.


Today's a busy day because I have to do-

Who am I kidding?

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