06| The Weird Syndrome

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Chapter 6: The Weird Syndrome

Two weeks had passed since the first meeting with Sam and Peter's friends in the cafeteria, during lunch time. And since then, I had really gotten close to the group.

We started hanging out a lot more as a whole group--the girls and I, along with the boys--and  had become great friends with each other. Somehow, we have the best of fun when we are together. These guys are really fun to be with.

Especially with Felix.

I could positively say that this sunshine-boy had become my best friend.

From the very first day I met this goofball, we just clicked with each other and we are inseparable. I didn't know what it was about him, but we had such a great chemistry. Like a soulmate thing.

He was me, but in the male version.

Actually, no quite.

Felix was way sweeter and kinder than me. If I were to describe him, I would say that he was the epitome of a warm, fluffy ball that radiates sunshine light with his rectangular smile. He never fails to boost my mood and make me laugh.

We hang out almost every day, all day, either at school or at local coffee shops. Either that, or we text, whenever we don't have time to meet up.

Mia tags along with us. And since Ava was now focusing more on getting the scholarship, most of the time it was just the three of us.

Actually both Ava and Sky were focusing more on getting the scholarship now, so we didn't get to see them this often. They were mostly practising all the time in the music classroom, so it wasn't easy to see them frequently, unless we went to pay them a visit whilst they were both practising their music instruments.

So that's why, Felix and I had come up with a great idea for this situation. We had decided to go for frozen yogurt every Friday the five of us. Mia, Ava, Sky, Felix and I. Only on Fridays, because that was the day they got to practice less, so they actually had more time to hangout with us.

Although, that was more of Felix's idea than mine's. And that was, because this little fluffy goofball, was actually pretty sharp when it came to emotions. He could read a person's emotions with his eyes closed. And when it came to Ava's, it clicked to him.

He could read Ava's expressions and behaviour when she was around Sky. She would always be all shy and short-spoken to him and he realised that our little Ava was catching, or had already caught, feelings for our boy Sky. Though, Sky seemed to be totally unaware of this situation. He didn't seem to have the same feelings for Ava.

So now, Felix was practically doing the matchmaker for them and tried to get them together.

That was the whole point of our weekly frozen-yogurt-hangout.

Felix was such a sneaky little thing and I loved it. He understood the minute something, anything was up and it freaked me out. But in a good way of course.

For some weird reason, I hadn't seen my dream guy Sam for a while now. Ever since the talk we had about scholarships two weeks ago with the whole group, his ambition of getting his art scholarship got stronger than ever before. It was like he got more inspired by the other's ambitions than he should have.

No, seriously.

He draws non-stop, 24/7 and we rarely see him in our hangouts. I can only admire him from afar when we have art lessons...I don't even know how he has this much energy to overwork himself so much. He claims that he has to practice harder in order to achieve his goal.

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