09| New Ship

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Chapter 9: New Ship

A warm sensation tingled my skin as bright light hit my face, making me squeeze my eyes shut further in the process.

Furiously, I shifted from my comfortable position and covered my face with my pillow, preventing this blinding light from hurting my eyes.

But to no avail.

The piercing, warm light went through the small gap between my face and my pillow, reaching my eyes once again and making me groan in frustration.

I was woken up by the morning sunlight.

You know how that feels, right?

This annoying way of waking you up, whether you want it or not, because apparently, the light coming from the window is burning your eyes to death, and it's too strong to handle?

Yes. That's precisely what is happening to me right now.
It seems that I must have forgotten to close my window last night and now I have to survive this torturous way of waking up.

Why me?

What did I do to deserve such kind of treatment? Especially, when I'm not a morning person to begin with.

Defeated, I painfully opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. Yawning uncontrollably while rubbing by puffy eyes, I reached for my phone that rested on my night stand.

Unlocking it, I looked at the day.

It's Saturday.

And you know what that means?
It's the day where we have fun watching Liam training Blake till he is not able to breathe properly, with Peter joining them.

What a lovely day, indeed.

° ° °

After having breakfast, washing my disgustingly sleepy face and wearing some more presentable clothes, rather than my pyjamas, I was ready to meet the rest of the partners in crime in the park.

a.k.a the ones that watch the final days of Blake.

a.k.a Felix, Mia and Ava.

We always meet at the park, because it's the only place closer to everyone's apartments.

The training session starts around twelve and it's currently eleven thirty, so I'll be heading out in a minute.

I'm not going alone, though. Peter's going to pick me up to go meet the rest at the park. He and I live close to each other and wanted us to go together.

Besides, I believe it's a good chance to be a good friend for him and prepare him for the rejection.

At least, I'll try to.

We only have 10-15 minutes until we reach the park, anyways. I'll try to do my best.

As I stepped out of the building, closing the door behind me, a familiar figure was standing outside, waiting for me. A bright smile spread across his face once we made eye contact, that I was more that happy to return.

"Good morning, Liv!" Peter greeted me with his big smile, that made his eyes disappear.

"Good morning, Peter." I greeted back, slowly approaching him, still a little groggy.

Last night's rant had mentally drained me.

"Ready for today's competition?" I teased him, wanting to get a reaction out of him. Because, I knew, Liam was about to squeeze the remaining energy out of them.

Though, he seemed quite confident. "Yup. I've been preparing my self for a week, so I'm ready for this moment."

Okay, tough guy. We will see how this 'preparation' of yours pays off in a bit.

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