08| Night Rant

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Chapter 8: Night Rant

It has been a long day today and all I want right now, is to lie down on my bed and relax. It's already past ten in the night, so that's what I'm gonna do right now.

After coming home from the hangout, I didn't do much rather than take a bath and do my night routine. I was so drained out of energy by all the things happening lately, that I couldn't even focus on doing a proper sketch.

Which is very unusual for me, considering that I draw whenever I have free time. Even if I am not inspired to draw anything, I still try and draw even just an animated character.

I dragged my feet and entered my bedroom, walked towards my bed and let my body sink in the soft mattress. A satisfied sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes to take in the sweet smell of freshly washed bedsheets.

This, is the best time of my day.

Just plopping down to rest on my bed, like a starfish that stretches itself on the sand.

This feeling is priceless.

I shifted and turned to lay on my back, while my head faced the ceiling.

I have so many things on my mind. So many things that worry me, but it seems that I can do nothing about it.

And I'm talking about my best friends' love life here.

For instance, Ava. I do understand what attracted her to like Sky, but him on the other hand, doesn't seem to acknowledge her as much.

I'm not saying that he is not a good person. Becaude he is a great guy. One of the best guy friends I've ever made and I've ever met, that is. He is super cute and caring for everyone. But it's just that...he doesn't seem to be into Ava. And the hard part is, that I don't know how to say that to her. Because apparently, she still hopes that something might happen.

But I also think, that Sky might believe he is friendzoned by her and he doesn't even want to try..? Just because he is such a sweet and shy guy, he may think that he doesn't have a chance with her.

Ugh! It's so confusing and frustrating at the same time.
I can't clear out what's happening with those too! What am I suppose to do? I mean, do I ship them or not?

I don't knooow.

Of course it would be very nice if they were together, but that's not up to me to decide. They should be the ones to decide that. But firstly, they should clear out their feelings, before anything else.

And coming to Mia now.

What Felix said earlier, really made me concerned.

As if I wasn't worried enough already with Mia's 'Matthew syndrome'.

I mean, what if Peter indeed likes Mia and she's the reason he comes along everywhere we go?

At first I didn't want to put much thought into to it, but...I seem to be failing miserably to do that right now. Because, let me tell you. Love triangles is a bad, very bad thing. Especially when your close friends are involved.

And to think that Mia has eyes only for Matt, means that she will never notice Peter.

And then, what will happen to poor Peter? He will get his heart broken and I don't want that to happen. I have known him for years now and he is a great friend of mine, so I certainly don't want anything bad happening to him.

Maybe I should give him a piece of advice? Life advice because apparently, I'm completely inexperienced with love. Just remember my situation with Sam.

Yeah, it sucks, I know.

At least I know nothing can ever happen between us, so I won't be getting my heart broken. Expect disappointment and you won't be disappointed, right?

But Peter? What if he has hopes?

Unfortunately, I don't know how Matt feels. And I also want to protect my best friend and prevent her from getting hurt by him.

I also don't want to lead Peter on, and let him believe he has a chance with her. Because that would lead to more people getting hurt in the process.
So maybe, I should, somehow, prepare him for a rejection...?

For potato's sake, why is everyone in love lately?


And Sam... I haven't seen him much lately...

And I kind of...not miss him?

Wait, say what now?

This is weird.

Because, Sam is the representation of an angel, falling down to earth and blessing us with his face and his talent.

And what a talent!

I mean, look at the portrait he draws! That amazing piece of work with...

. . . .

Christopher...being the model...

I mean...He looks better on the canvas.

Sam definitely gave him abs this guy doesn't have.

I mean, he kinda does...

But let's not forget th- WAIT.

Why am I even thinking about Christopher?

I aggressively stood up from the laying position I was previously  and sat straight, while shaking my head.

Why is this mother...trucker not talking to me?

This is really awkward!

And it bothered the heck out of me, but I didn't want to admit it for two weeks! But I am friends with his friends and didn't want to say anything.

But now this guy doesn't even want to talk to me! Whenever we hang out the eleven of us he just ignores me and it's super awkward. And, and...Ugh.

I completely stood up from the bed this time and started pacing back and forth in my room like some maniac. Eyebrows frowned, hair messy from pulling them too aggressively and basically, my whole body was fuming with rage.

What's his problem anyway?

I'm gonna text Felix.

About what though?

'Hey Lix, Christopher doesn't talk to me. And I think, I might have went overboard with what I told him two weeks ago, even though I thought it was a funny thing to say. I know it's his pet peeve and all, but I didn't expect him to give me the cold shoulder like that. Then again, I don't really know how comfortable are people with their pet peeves. I mean, I know that I'm arachnophobic and my cousins would make fun of me and call me 'spider wet-pants', because I'd always pee myself when I saw one. And I still don't like it when they remind me of that till this day, but it's a family joke now and I am cool with it. But still, it triggers me when this guy-'

Okay wait.


Liv, girl.

What are you doing?

Please calm your horses.

Why the heck do you even care?

He was annoying the living poop out of you the whole time he was around. Why do you even feel sorry about this mother-forking guy?

He was the one that started it, not you.

It. Is. Not. your fault he is not talking to you. He's just being an arrogant Donald ducking duck.

LET ALONE that you haven't eaten strawberry shortcake for almost a freaking month because he reminds you of him! What an abjection!

. . .

I kinda want strawberry shortcake now...


A/N: Night rants with Olivia are on another level.

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