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mom's house 😛
8:05 am

~ jayden pov

my mom let me stay here a little longer after they left but i ended up sleeping with jules. me and jules talked all night even after dinner. we talked about a lot of stuff. i got to know her more and deeper. she got to know me more too. it was getting scary how connected we were. she was starting to finish my sentences and she would mimic my movements. it was weird but that was after we got deeper. she told me all about her last relationships and everything joey did to her. that abortion thing is hurting her a lot and shes trying to forget about it but she can't. she's sad. she told me before joey she had depression and he made her happy for awhile and during the falling off part she started getting it again. during the breakup she was really depressed until she met me. it opened my eyes to see that i really broke this girls heart doing the littlest things. she told me that when her brother died was when her depression started. she would distract herself with relationships but they all ended up failing. joey broke her the most though. jules is super sweet and she's genuine. she has a great heart i don't know how else to describe her she's literally one of the nicest people i've ever met. she been through shit but still remains with that good heart. like right now i feel her on a whole deeper connection. she's up making me breakfast while i'm getting ready. i didn't ask her to do that she just did it😂. that was her kind heart making that choice. i'm ready for school. i'm not gonna get there until 3rd period it's a 2 hour drive depending on traffic. her mom knows i'm still here. i'm ready to go though. i got downstairs and jules is talking with her mom. when she saw me she smiles.

i get to them, "my mom wanted to make you breakfast but i did the honors" jules says

i look at what jules got me. i smile a little, "a bowl of cereal and an apple" i say looking at it

i look at her. jules nods in pride. i laugh and her mom joins, "what's funny guys?" jules asks

i smile, "nothing juli i appreciate it" i say

i sit down at the counter and start eating the cereal, "juli what you doing after school today?" i ask

she thought, "uhh i have softball practice but i'm gonna have to tell my coach i can't come because i have training at jml" she says

i smile. jules told me last night that she's in the junior music league and was top 10 on the get in list which i was shocked but proud of her. that program is hard to get into and i didn't even know she could sing, "i'm extremely proud of you for getting in that program you're gonna do great" i say

jules blushes, "mom you see how sweet she is" jules says to her

katie laughs a bit, "yes she's a sweet girl she'd be better if she was your girlfriend" she says

jules looks at me, "don't worry she will be" she says

i've been thinking all night about asking her to be my girlfriend. i feel like i should step up and do it since i want her too. i planned it out in my head before i fell asleep because i literally fell in love with this girl hard after talking to her. she does so many little cute things that make me laugh but it's adorable. she's adorable, "can i take your daughter golfing tonight katie?" i ask

"aren't you going back to la right now?" her mom asks

"well.. yeah i could go back but.. i could also.. not." i say

"no your mother told me to send you home and i love josie and michael they are so a hot couple i need a relationship like that" katie says

i give a confused look, "ew mom why would you say that no dating for you" jules says

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now