ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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Mckenzie's POV

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Mckenzie's POV

As we walked down the hallways to Jay and Carlos' dorm, Dude came walking over, whimpering. "Hi. I'm sorry I'm so late, Dude." Carlos said, as he picked up Dude. I smiled, putting Dude's head. "Ben got captured." Carlos said.

Carlos went to take a step forward, when Jay stopped him. "Why's our door open?" He asked. We rushed into their dorm to see Chad printing something with their 3D printer. "You've got to be kidding me." Carlos said, causing Chad to shut the printer off, and turn towards us.

"I knocked." Chad shrugged. "Go on, Dude." Carlos said, letting Dude down. Carlos then held out his hand towards Chad. Chad sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a key. He then placed the key in Carlos' hand.

"What is that?" Jay asked, looking at the printer. "Oh. that's a little Chad action figure." Chad said, pulling the action figure out of the printer, showing it to us. "Well, minus the head." Chad said, staring at this action figure.

"Sounds like an improvement." Carlos and I said in unison. "Excuse me." Carlos said, moving past Chad to get to the printer. "All right. Here we go." Carlos said, as he pulled out his phone, programming the printer to make Fairy Godmother's wand.

"Why are you guys making Fairy Godmother's wand?" Chad asked, looking over our shoulders. We stepped away from Chad. "Uh, why are we making Fairy Godmother's wand?" Carlos asked, looking between me and Jay for an answer.

"Because, uh..." "Ben's been captured." Dude said. He was sitting in his dog bed, which was placed next to Carlos' pillows. We all looked over at Dude, with wide eyes. "What? Dude can talk?" Chad asked. "I was stalling." Carlos said.

"I thought you forgot." Dude stated. "Don't tell anyone." Jay said, hitting Chad's shoulders. "Ben's life depends on it." Jay said. "And if you do...your little rule books won't be the only things I set on fire." I said as I flash my eye purple.

"So, if something were to happen, you know what I'm saying." Chad started. "Something bad, we get it." Carlos said. "God forbid. But, if something were to happen, who do you think would be in line to be king?" Chad asked.

"Is it me or is that in really poor taste?" Jay asked, as the three of us scoffed. Jay then walked over to the door, holding his arm out for Chad to leave. Chad scoffed, when Carlos nodded towards the door.

"I'm taking this." Chad said, holding up his headless action figure. He then walked out into the hallway turning back to us. "And if you think-" Jay then slammed the door in Chad's face. "Thank you, Jay." I said. "All right." Carlos said.

He shut the printer door as he pressed start. "Now we wait." He sighed. Jay pulled up two chairs in front of the printer. "What about my chair?" I asked, as the two boys sat in the chairs. "It's right here." Carlos smirked, as he pulled me to sit on his lap. I blushed as I snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, rubbing his hand up and down my back, which soon lulled me to sleep.


I heard the printer beeping, which caused me to slowly wake up. I quietly groaned as I realized I was sleeping on Carlos' chest. That's when I saw him and Jay still sleeping. I looked over at the printer and saw the wand was complete.

"Jay, Carlos." I said, hitting their shoulder. They both jumped awake. "Ow!" I said, as I landed on the floor, from when Carlos jumped awake. "Oh, Mckenzie, I am so sorry." Carlos said, helping me up. "It's okay. I've been hurt worse." I laughed it off.

They both then looked at the wand. Carlos opened the door on the printer, pulling out the wand. "Not bad." he said, as we all looked at the wand in awe. "Yeah." Jay sighed, taking the wand from Carlos' Let's go." We all said, walking over to the door.

"Hey, guys, what about me?" Dude asked, from his dog bed. I smiled at the cute outfit he was wearing to match Carlos. "No, Dude. You stay. I'm serious. Stay." Carlos stated, pointing at Dude. Dude whined, laying down in his bed.

"I love you, buddy. We'll be back before you know it." Carlos said, closing the door behind him. We walked out of the room and down the hallway. Then I started laughing. "What's so funny?" Carlos asked.

"I'm...I'm sorry." I laughed. "It's just...it sounded as though you were scolding your child." I said, causing Jay to laugh along with me. "Whatever." Carlos mumbled, rolling his eyes with a smile. We opened the doors, walking out of the school, when Doug walked up to us.

"Oh, hey." Doug said, as Jay hid the fake wand behind his back. "Have you seen Evie?" He asked. The three of us looked at each other trying to come up with something to say. "Uh...she went camping." Carlos said, Jay and I nodding in agreement.

"Evie 'I wanna live in a castle' sleeping on the ground with no place to plug in a hair dryer?" Doug asked. "You know how spontaneous she is, bro." Carlos said as Jay and I laughed. "Yeah." I nodded. "Totally. Totally." Jay said. "Later Doug." Carlos said, as Doug walked into the school.

We turned around jumping when we came face to face with Lonnie, who was carrying a bag of swords. "I'm coming with you guys." She said. "What?" Jay laughed. "We don't need swords at the...waffle hut?" Jay said. Carlos and I gave him a look that said, 'really? That's the best you could come up with?'

"You're going to the Isle to rescue Ben. Look, it's either you take me, or...I'm gonna have to tell Fairy Godmother." Lonnie shrugged. I smirked. "I like this side of you." I smiled, as the boys rolled their eyes. Jay then nodded. "Okay." Lonnie said, wrapping her arms around Jay and Carlos' shoulder.

"Ah! No." I said, taking her arm off of Carlos, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He laughed, shaking his head as we walked back to the limo.

Word Count: 1055

Mal's Twin Sister {Carlos De Vil x Fem!OC}Where stories live. Discover now