Chapter 51 The Big Move

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Two days later, Tony took Souta to register at his private school, and then he would take Souta clothes and school supplies shopping. Tony volunteered to take Souta because he wanted to spend quality time with his new son. While they did that, Kagome and Nodoka headed for Westchester to help Marie and Piotre pack and move into the Tower. When they got to the school, Ororo greeted the women at the front door; she smiled brightly at Kagome and Nodoka and hugged them.

“It's good to see you both. How was your honeymoon, Nodoka?”

Nodoka beamed, “It was wonderfully romantic; Tony and I had the best time. We almost extended our trip, but we wanted to be here when Souta and Kagome start school.”

Ororo nodded in understanding. As they walked through the school, Nodoka told Ororo all about her trip and the sights she and Tony saw. Kagome was only half listening as she looked around for Logan; when she didn't spot him, Kagome decided to use her telepathy to contact him.

Logan, where are you? Kagome asked telepathically.

I'm right behind you, Darlin'. Logan said with a chuckle.

Kagome nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Logan laughing behind her. She spun around and glared at him, “Kami, Logan, you nearly gave me a heart attack!”

Logan chuckled again, then wrapped his arm around Kagome's shoulder, “Sorry about that, Princess, I couldn't help scaring ya.”

Kagome rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his chest. Nodoka and Ororo stopped and turned around to look at the happy couple. Nodoka smiled at her future son-in-law, “Logan, it's nice to see you again.”

“Likewise, Nodoka. How was the honeymoon?”

“Wonderful, thank you. You know you and Kagome should consider going there for your honeymoon.”

Logan choked, and Kagome flushed deeply, “Mom! Logan and I are still only dating!” Kagome shrieked, feeling mortified.

Nodoka giggled, “I know, Dear; I couldn't resist embarrassing you both.”

Ororo chuckled at seeing the flustered look on Logan's face. She knew how deeply Logan's feelings ran for Kagome, but she wasn't sure if Logan was ready to make such a commitment yet. Little did they know, Logan was more than ready to commit himself to Kagome, but he knew that she was still too young. He even had an engagement ring specially made for Kagome. It was a misconception that Logan had very little money when it was quite the opposite. Living as long as Logan had, of course, he had accumulated some wealth but never felt the need to use it.

Logan wrapped his arm around Kagome's shoulder while she wrapped hers around his waist, “So you all are going to help Marie and Pete move?” Logan asked.

“Yes, do you want to help?” Kagome asked.

“Yeah, sure. While you two help Marie, I'll go check on Pete and see if he needs any help.”

Kagome agreed and pecked Logan on the lips. Logan smirked at Kagome and then went to Piotre's dorm room while the girls went to help Marie pack. Several hours later, the two mutants had everything packed and ready to go. They brought all their boxes downstairs and left them in the foyer while they went to the dining hall for lunch. After lunch, Piotre and Logan would load everything into the moving van.

They had a nice lunch with the remaining students and faculty and said goodbye to their friends. Bobby and Kitty would be leaving for Boston the following week. After loading the moving van and saying their final goodbyes to everyone, Piotre and Marie got into the truck; they were going to follow Kagome and Nodoka to New York and Stark Tower.

Before they left, Logan pulled Kagome aside and hugged her tightly, “I guess this is it, Princess; I'm not going to see you for a while.”

Kagome sniffled and buried her face in Logan's chest, “I know, Logan, I'm going to miss you so much.”

“I'm going to miss you too, Darlin', but I promise I will come to see you as soon as possible and when you're not busy with your studies.”

“Oh, Logan, I'll always make time for you.”

“Yeah, I know, but I don't want you to neglect your studies.”

Kagome sniffled, then laughed, “I won't, I promise.”

Logan leaned down and kissed Kagome, then placed his forehead against hers, “I love you, Princess.”

“I love you too, Old Man,” Kagome said with a smirk.

Logan barked out a laugh and then tickled Kagome, she started laughing and tried to pull away from Logan, but he pulled her close and hugged her again. After that, Logan let Kagome go, and he walked her to her car, where Nodoka was waiting. Logan opened the door for Kagome, and she got in. He leaned down and kissed her again and wished them a safe trip. And with that, Logan watched Kagome, Nodoka, and the others drive off towards New York to start the new leg of their lives.

Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so short, but I thought something was better than nothing.

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