Chapter 37 Spending the Day with Friends And Logan's Farewell.

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The next morning Nodoka wakes up early, she goes to go check on Kagome and Logan. When she gets to the door she can hear them talking, then they abruptly stop, She's about to knock on the door when Logan opens the door and asks her to come in.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything." Nodoka says.

"Logan shakes his head, "You're not, Nodoka, Kagome and I were just discussing that my flight for New York leaves in a couple of hours and she was gettin' ready to start crying."

Nodoka turned to her daughter and saw the unshed tears in Kagome's eyes. She immediately embraced her daughter and tried to soothe her.

"Oh, Kagome dear, you knew that Logan had to leave eventually and it's not like he can go with you and your father. Besides you'll see each other back at school so you have nothing to worry about."

Kagome sniffed, "I know but I'm going to miss him so much."

"Uh, excuse me, he hasn't left yet." Logan tells her then opens his arms.

Kagome lets go of her mother and walks into Logan's arms, he kisses the top of her head.

"Look, Princess, my flight doesn't leave until tonight, we have the whole day together. Why don't we all go out and have some fun, and you can call Shippou to come tag along."

"Oh that sounds like a great idea, I get to see my grandson again!" Nodoka says in an excited tone. "Here, Logan why don't you go take a shower while Kagome makes breakfast. If Souta wakes up before, we'll tell him you go here early."

With that Nodoka left the room and came back to inform him that there were clean towels in the bathroom. Logan shrugs, picks up his duffel bag and heads for the door. He turns to Kagome and smirks.

"Care to join me?"

Kagome tries to sound indignant but she can't she only turns bright red instead. Logan laughs and heads out to the bathroom.

After Logan leaves, Kagome quickly gets dressed and heads downstairs to start breakfast. Instead of putting on tea she makes coffee, knowing that is what Logan likes in the morning, she makes tea for everyone else. As she is cooking breakfast she calls Shippou to inform him that the next day she would be leaving and that if he wanted to spend the day with her, Logan and the family.

"And Grandpa too?" Shippou asks.

"No, he's working today, he wants me to spend the day with friends and family so that's what I'm doing."

"Okay, then, that sounds good to me I'll be at your house after breakfast." Shippou informs her

"Great, bye."

Kagome resumes cooking, she makes more than the usual amount knowing that Logan can eat a lot. At this point Souta comes downstairs and is amazed by the amount of food.

"Are we feeding an army?"

"No just Logan, he has a high metabolism which causes him to eat a lot. He should be down in a minute."

"He's here already?"

"Yeah he went upstairs to take a shower. He's going home today so we're going to spend the day with him, Shippou and mom and whomever wants to tag along."

"Oh, okay." Then suddenly Souta's eyes widen, "Do you think that wolf guy will show up?"

"Well if he does, he better realize that your sister is mine, or he is gonna to be in a world of hurt." Logan says as he walks down the stairs.

He walks up to Kagome and gives her a kiss, causing Souta to scrunch his nose. At that point Nodoka comes downstairs, she greets Logan and helps Kagome to finish preparing breakfast. Once everything was ready they all sat down and had a lovely meal.

As they were finishing up breakfast and Nodoka was doing the dishes, she insisted, the doorbell rang. Souta went to answer it and found Shippou standing there. He smiled at the red haired man and invited him into the house.

"Hi Shippou."

"Hey squirt, is everyone ready to go?"

"Yeah mom's finishing up the dishes and Kagome is getting ready, Logan's watching the news."

They walk into the living room and Shippou goes to greet Logan, he stands up and shakes Shippou's hand. At that moment Kagome and Nodoka come downstairs.

"Okay we're ready." Kagome informs them.

"Where are we going?" Souta asks.

"Well I figured we'd do something fun so I suggest that we go to DisneyLand Tokyo." Shippou says.

Souta's eyes light up at the thought of going to DisneyLand. He was planning on riding every ride with his sister at least twice.

Logan groans, he knows it's going to be loud and crowded and he was going to hate it, but if that's what Kagome and Souta want then he would go. The whole point was to spend what little time he had left in Japan with Kagome.

Logan huffs, "Fine if that's where you guys want to go, let's get this over with."

Taking Kagome's hand, Logan walks out the door with everyone else following behind.

It turned out that it wasn't as bad as Logan thought it was going to be. He actually enjoyed himself, despite his best efforts. It made him smile watching Kagome act like a little kid with Souta, as he dragged his sister from one ride to another. Souta was actually able to convince Logan to ride a few rides with him as well. But after a while Shippou took mercy on Logan and went on the rides with Souta and Nodoka, leaving Logan and Kagome alone for a while. Kagome and Logan would sit on a bench and wait for the others to finish the ride. Kagome resting her head on Logan's shoulder, while he had his arm wrapped around her.

"Thank you, Logan,"

"For what, Princess?" Logan asks

For coming here and making Souta happy, I know you hate crowds."

Logan grunts and kisses the top of her head, "Only for you, Princess."

It was early evening when they left the park. They went out to eat at one of the restaurants that Shippou owned then from there they head towards Narita International Airport. Once at the airport Logan says his goodbyes to Shippou and to Souta, he shakes Shippou's hand and ruffles Souta's hair. He walks up to Nodoka and offers his hand, she disregards his hand and pulls him in to a hug. Logan awkwardly hugs her back.

"Take care Logan and I hope to see you soon."

"You too, Nodoka."

"I want you to know that I am very happy that Kagome has someone like you in her life and I know that you will treat her the way she deserves to be treated."
Nodoka tells Logan.

"Thank you, Nodoka, that means a lot to me coming from you. And I want you to know that I will always be there to protect her and love her."

Nodoka gives Logan one last hug, then he turns around to address Kagome. She is standing behind him with her head down staring at the floor. But he can smell the tears that are rolling down her cheeks, walking over to her he lifts her head. Her eyes are read and swollen already.

Pulling her into his arms, Logan kisses her head. "Come on, Princess, none of that. It ain't like you're not going to see me again, you'll be home in a couple of days." Logan tells Kagome as he wipes her tears with his thumb.

Kagome sniffles, "I know Logan, but I'm going to miss you so much, I don't know how I'm going to sleep without you."

"You'll be alright, you still have my shirt don't ya?" Kagome nods, "Well then just hold onto that."

They hold each other until Logan's flight is called, Kagome hugs him tighter then lets go. Logan tilts her head up and kisses her sweetly on the lips. Kagome's lip trembles again, she takes a deep breath and says something she should have told him a long time ago.

"I love you, Logan."

Logan's eyes widen, then he smiles. Wrapping his arms around her one last time he kisses her more passionately, she nearly faints from the intensity. Pulling away he leans his forehead against hers.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

With that he releases her and walks towards his plane.

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