Chapter 5 Ready To Leave

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Ten minutes after Nodoka hung up with Tony, she received a call from an executive assistant from Stark Industries. This person instructed her that a car would be at the shrine at 8 am the following day to take her and her children to the airport.

"Yes, I understand, we'll be ready by then. Thank you." Nodoka tells the assistant.

"Ready for what, Mom?" Kagome asked.

"That was an executive assistant from your father's company. She called to inform me that a car will be arriving tomorrow at 8am. So be sure you're packed long before then. Did you tell your brother?"

"Kagome giggles. " Yeah, he fainted when I told him that we are going to California and that he's going to get to meet Tony Stark."

"Oh my goodness, is he alright?"

"Yes, Mom, the little dork woke up and started throwing his stuff in his suitcase."

Nodoka laughed, "Maybe I should go give Souta a hand."

While Nodoka went up to help Souta, Kagome went to her room and sat down on her bed. She took in a shaky breath, tomorrow was the beginning of a new life for Kagome Higurashi.

"No, Stark, Kagome Stark." She told herself.

Earlier that day, after she got off the phone with Tony. Nodoka went to the safe in the her closet and pulled out their passports . She also pulled out a large manila envelope, and showed it to Kagome.

"What's this, Mom?" Kagome asked.

"It's your birth certificate, we need to take it so that we can show Tony."

Kagome opened the envelope and took out her birth certificate. Her eyes immediately zeroed in on her name **Kagome Maria Stark.** Then she noticed that where it read father's name it was written as plain as day **Anthony Edward Stark.**

Kagome looked up at her mother, "I have a middle name?"

"Yes, Kagome dear, it was your grandmother's name. Tony had recently lost his parents in a car accident and I thought it would be nice to name you after his mother. From the photos Tony showed me, your eyes are the same shade of blue as hers."

So, now Kagome was a Stark. A wave of guilt swept through her at the thought of using that last name. She felt like she was betraying the memory of the man she knew as her father. Kagome sat on her bed for a little while longer, then she sighed. She got up from her bed  and went to her closet to get her suitcases and yellow back pack.

Kagome packed most of her clothes into her suitcases, Kagome knew that if this all worked out, she would be probably end up living with her father for a time.

In her yellow backpack she packed the items that meant the most to her. Kagome packed a miniature version of Sango's Hiraikotsu, that Sango made for her out of demon bones. Sango wanted to make sure that Kagome had something to remember her by. Sango also gave Kagome her very own Demon Slayers outfit. But where Sango's outfit was pink and black, Kagome's was red and black.

Kagome hugged the outfit to herself as tears began to well up in her eyes. Next she packed the sutras that Miroku had made for her and the prayer beads that had once held his wind tunnel closed. More tears were streaming down her face. Suddenly she began to laugh through her tears. Kagome had never gotten a chance to remove the beads of subjugation from around Inuyasha's neck.

Kagome packed a few more items, she packed her photo album that had pictures of her time in the past and of all of her friends including Lord Sesshomaru. Also inside the album were some of the drawings that Shippou had done. Kaede had given her a bag that contained herbal remedies that she could take with her while they hunted the Jewel Shards. Kagome had combined that with her own first aid kit and of course was going to bring it along as well.

The last thing Kagome was going to take was her longbow of Mount Azusa. She took it down from her wall, there was no way she was leaving without her bow. No matter if Tony Stark thought it was weird or not.

Once she finished packing, she took her suitcases downstairs along with her pack, and left them by the door. She laid her bow and arrows on top. By this time Nodoka and Souta were ready. Kagome went back upstairs to help her little brother and mother bring down their luggage.

Once that was taken care of, Kagome helped Nodoka with dinner. They all sat down to have dinner, grandpa wasn't there though, He was spending a few weeks with friends at another shrine. Nodoka did call him and explained her plan to him. Grandpa Higurashi was the only other person that also knew the truth about Kagome's parentage, but he always thought of her as his grandchild.

They finished their meal, Nodoka instructed her children that they were to go to bed right away, for tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Kagome was awake before dawn, she was too anxious to sleep any longer. She put her robe and slippers on and went outside to watch the sunrise. She sat under the Goshinboku tree, drawing comfort from the tree. She walked around the the shrine committing everything to memory. She entered the well house and peered into the Bone Eaters well. A single tear fell into the well as she said her final goodbye to the past.

Kagome exited the well house, went back into the house and went upstair to shower and change. When she was ready she went downstairs to start breakfast.

Meanwhile in Malibu, it was 1:00 in the afternoon and Tony was barely waking up.

"Oh, my head, JARVIS the usual protocol, please."

At that JARVIS turned on the coffee maker, a bottle of water and aspirin appear on the bar. Tony got up, walked over to the bar and took the aspirin.

"I think I over did it last night. I had a dream that I spoke to Nodoka and she told me that she and I have a daughter."

**Sir that was no dream. You did in fact talked to Ms. Nodoka Higurashi and invited her and her children to come stay with you. One of those children being your daughter.**

Tony began to choke on the coffee he was drinking.

"That was real! Holy shit, I need to get this house cleaned up. JARVIS have the usual cleaning crew come in and clean this place from top to bottom. Have some groceries ordered and fill the fridge, and do whatever else you can think we may need to make this place look like a home. Oh and make sure the guest rooms are ready, we only have nine hours to get everything ready.

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