Chapter 56 Surprise!

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Tony looked between Kagome and Logan, then sputtered, "wha, she, you, YOU DEFILED MY BABY!" Tony yelled, then charged the repulsor ray and aimed at Logan. Kagome threw herself between the two, Logan's eyes widened, and he grabbed Kagome, turning his body to shield her right when Tony fired.

Tony hit Logan right in the back, causing him to almost fall forward onto Kagome. He groaned in pain as Kagome tried to hold him up; Steve rushed over to help Logan while Thor grabbed hold of Tony, holding him securely. Hulk just stood there watching the drama.

Logan had a gaping hole in his back down to his adamantium skeleton. Steve held Logan tightly and slowly eased him down on the ground; he turned to Tony.

"Are you crazy, Stark?!"

"HE DEFILED MY DAUGHTER!" Tony screamed.

"NO, HE DIDN'T; HE ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!" Kagome screamed back.

"I don't care, wait, he did what?"

"I asked your daughter to marry me, Stark," Logan said as he stood up.

"Logan, you're hurt. Stay down," Steve tells him.

"Nah, Cap, I'm good."

Logan turns around so they can see that the hole has already healed without leaving a scar. Thor, Tony, and Steve stared at him, mouths hanging open. Hulk didn't care.

"What kind of devilry is this? A wound like that should have killed you," Thor said.

"I've had worse than that, Mack; that was nothing."

Tony looked at Logan, "You're a mutant."

"Yeah, so's your daughter, Bub, got a problem with that?"

Then it clicked in Tony's head, "You're from Xavier's school; I remember you, Porcupine. Oh my god, my daughter is dating her teacher."

"Logan was never my teacher, Dad," Kagome tells him.

"Ah, Ha! But you were dating while you were at school!"

"Friends, your domestic dispute should be put on hold now. We still need to deal with Loki." Thor reminds them.

"Thor's right; you three can hash this out later; Loki is the priority," Steve said.

Tony glared at Logan, “Fine. But this is not over, Porcupine.”

“Whatever you say, Tin Man,” Logan answered.

Kagome glared at Logan, Don't antagonize him, Kagome told her Fiancee telepathically.

Logan looked down at Kagome and winked; that wouldn't be fun.

As they walked toward Stark Tower, Kagome, and Logan fell behind a little bit, and Kagome explained to Logan about Loki. When they got to the elevator, Logan was pissed about Loki trying to control Kagome and force her to become his priestess. The minute the doors opened, Logan rushed out before the other Avengers. He made a b-line for Loki and picked him up by the throat, “How dare you try to take Kagome against her will!” Logan yelled.

Loki smirked, “And what are you going to do about it, mortal?”

Logan unsheathed his claws, “Plenty, fucker! And I ain't mortal, Bub.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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