Chapter 33 Breakfast and Conflict

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The next morning when Kagome woke up, she felt an arm wrapped around her waist. She looked up and noticed the time, it was 5:00 am. Logan's arm tighten around her waist.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early."

Kagome smiled, she snuggled more into Logan and went back to sleep.

Two hours later, Nodoka peeked into Kagome's room, Logan lifted his head. He was about to get up, when Nodoka held her hand up to stop him.

"It's alright, Logan, there's no need for you to get up yet. Kagome's father will not be by until later on this afternoon. I actually came to invite you to breakfast, but you need to come in through the front door so Souta doesn't suspect."

Logan nodded, "Thank you, Nodoka, I'd like that."

"Good, breakfast is at 8:00" With that Nodoka left.

Once she left, Logan snuggled more into Kagome, he figured that they could get up at 7:30 that would give them plenty of time to get ready, He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

At exactly 7:30 Logan woke up, he began kissing Kagome's neck to wake her. Kagome automatically exposed her neck to him, he smirked at her response.

"Come on, Princess, time to wake up, Your mom invited me to breakfast."

Kagome stretched her shirt riding up. "What about my dad?"

"Your old man won't be by until this afternoon."

"Oh good, let get up and get ready."

Logan released her, letting her crawl over him to get out of bed. Kagome grabbed some clothes, she kissed Logan on the cheek, then left to shower and change. Logan rubbed his face and flopped on her bed.

"She's going to be the death of me."

Logan eventually got up, he grabbed his clothes and got dressed. He sat on the bed, putting his boots on when Kagome came back in the room. She was brushing her wet hair. Logan stands up, he walks up behind Kagome and kissed her neck.

"I have to go, I'll see you downstairs." With that Logan jumped out the window.

He walked around to the front of the house and knocked on the door. Souta came running down the stairs to answer to door. He opened the door and is surprised to see Logan standing there.

"Hey, Kid."

Logan what are you doing here?"" Souta whispered as he stepped out and shuts the door.

"I'm here to see your sister."

Souta began to panic, "What if Tony shows up, I thought you guys wanted to keep this a secret."

"I'll take my chances."

At that moment Nodoka opened the door, "Souta, what's going on?"

Logan looks at Nodoka, "Ma'am, My name's Logan, I'm Kagome's boyfriend."

Nodoka looks at Logan, "Well, hello, Logan, would you like to have breakfast with us?"

Souta gawks at his mother, "Mom, what about Tony?"

"Tony won't be by until later this afternoon, it's alright, Souta."

Nodoka let's Logan in, at that moment Kagome comes downstairs

"Look, Kagome, it's Logan!" Souta said all excited.

"Yes, Kagome, I invited him to join us for breakfast." Nodoka said with a wink.

"Oh that's great, Mom, thanks, but what about Dad?" Kagome questions acting worried.

"Tony won't be here until this afternoon." Souta tells his sister.

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