Chapter 4

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Just like every school day for the last two years (the first at VCMS, the last here at VCHS), the three walked out of the front of the school building side-by-side. During their first year together, Greg was always the one to split from the group first so as to greet his father and get a ride home at the front entrance. Then the divorce happened, and he started taking the bus with Frisk and Terrence. It wasn't until this year that Toriel had begun taking it upon herself to personally transport Frisk to school and back every single day, but looking out upon the car line, it became obvious the ex-queen wasn't around, though someone else did stick out like a sore thumb on his blue scooter, grinning lazily at Frisk.

"Looks like Sans is my ride today," Frisk commented to her two friends.

"I thought he had a bike," Terrence said, looking at the scooter. "Guess he upgraded. Anyways, see you later, Frisk, happy birthday," Terrence bid her farewell, giving her a wave as he headed off toward the school bus.

"Bye," Greg told her, giving her a brief smile as he followed Terrence. Frisk waved at them as they left, before she approached Sans.

"hey kiddo," the grinning skeleton greeted. "how was school?"

"Long and busy," she shrugged as she climbed on behind him. "Like usual."

"heard you hung at grillby's for lunch," Sans chuckled as he started up the scooter.

"Yeah. Perks of having a birthday and friends, I guess. Just out of curiosity, how did you know?" Frisk asked.

"simple. see, i went to grillby's. while i was there, i was talking to grillby. he said 'by the way, frisk and her friends were here earlier.'"

"What did you say?"

"i said 'cool'," Sans said, grinning wide as the scooter took off. It was slow, but enjoyable enough.

The wind softly lashed against her hair, which flowed out behind her. Frisk's hair was an item of particular pride she held for herself. She took good care of it and felt beautiful having it, with its length and silky surface.

"so . . . tori ain't home yet."

"I know."

"wanna stay at the house with pap and i 'till she comes back?" Sans asked. The human bit her cheek, thinking about it for a moment. Deciding to let her disappointment control her, Frisk shook her head.

"Nah. I think I'll just head home. I'm actually pretty tired."

For a month now, Toriel had been doing this. Disappearing early in the morning and not showing up until late at night. Frisk was worried about her, but upon prying for answers, Toriel was abundantly clear she wasn't breaking. So Frisk had angrily allowed her adopted mother to keep her secrets. She had just hoped that Toriel would put aside whatever her personal project was and give Frisk the attention she needed on her birthday, but apparently no dice.

"well, i'm all for resting up, kiddo, but just remember to wake up in time for your party. not much point in having a party for the birthday girl if she doesn't show up."

"Have you ever slept through a birthday party?" Frisk asked him as he took a sharp turn- or, what would have been a sharp turn in just about any other vehicle.

"yeah. but i still show up," Sans replied. "just wait till you see the presents pap and i got you. and he didn't even get you pasta, so you know he put a lot of thought into it. isn't my bro cool?"

Frisk smiled warmly at the familiar question. "The coolest," she replied as her house came into sight.

"the coolestest," Sans chuckled, pulling into the driveway and coming to a stop. As expected, Toriel's car was missing.

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