Chapter 101

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They finally did arrive, just past Brooker Street, rounding the corner off of Tayday Laundromat, and spotting the camera on the corner of a skyscraper. They'd arrived in the right location, but no Fuku—not that Frisk had been expecting her to linger here, but it would have been nice if, for some reason, she had. It was comforting to know that Fuku was still alive, at least. Then there was the issue of Layla. She was . . . strange, to put it simply. Frisk would never have thought her capable of her sadistic joy in Dowary's death after the times she had interacted with her. Layla had seemed generally happy-go-lucky with a dislike for the Messiah. Wanting to kill the Messiah goons should have been a red flag, but Dowary's death definitely made Frisk uncomfortable of the girl. So what if Frisk had done far worse? That had been at a different time in a different life. That was behind her now. But Layla . . . somewhat reminded her of what she used to be. A killer. Layla just seemed to take more joy in it. She could tell that Undyne, too, wasn't sure of how to make out Layla, but she was their ally for now. May as well utilize that advantage.

The alley Fuku had disappeared down was where they headed next, and they found it was a dead end. Undyne was the first to comment on this predicament. "Are you kidding?" she huffed. "If we'd just watched like, ten seconds longer . . ."

"Then you would have died with her."

Undyne had been cut off by a feminine voice behind the group, and when they turned, they were greeted by a sneering girl with bubblegum pink hair, her clothing appearing straight out of the French Renaissance, a staff in one hand, a stick with a glowing magenta end in the other. "Hi~" she greeted them with a singsong voice, smiling brightly at them.

"You're the crazy woman Mosu and Gerson warned me about," Undyne stated. So this was Mióm. Somehow, she seemed to be the new and improved Psycho, in Frisk's opinion. "We don't have time for this." Undyne pointed out, and Mióm's grin lengthened.

"I agree," she nodded, "I'd rather kill you three here and now and call it a day!"

Before anyone could move, once again, a green bubble appeared around Mióm, who raised a brow, her gaze darting toward Layla. With a wink, she slammed the stick with the pink end into the bubble, and it shattered with an explosion, filling the space where Mióm was in a cloud of thick smoke. Layla didn't seem to mind however, but Frisk didn't really have time to worry about if she was going to kill Mióm or not. The battle had commenced.

Mióm emerged from the smoke with an intense speed, her feet pummeling the ground as she made her way toward Undyne, swinging her staff only for it to clash against a spear as another green bubble appeared around her head. Mióm frowned at this, leaping back to avoid a kick from Undyne as Frisk summoned her weapon of choice- a shield. Not exactly very proficient, but she doubted the other two would need a ton of offensive help from her to take on Mióm, who was already looking annoyed that she was being forced onto the defensive. Did she really believe she could outmatch Undyne and Frisk? Not to mention the mysterious Layla, who seemed not only capable of using her SOUL, but skilled and adept at it.

Mióm said something, but only she could hear it with that bubble on her head. Undyne launched a spear as two more bubbles appeared around Mióm's feet, forcing her in-place. Bending her body, Mióm used the spear to break the bubble around her head, and used her staff to bust open the two around her feet before leaping into the air, barely missing another bubble that appeared just behind her.

Three sticks appeared in her right hand, glowing bright pink, which she launched toward Layla. This time, the bubble appeared around Layla. Enough to sustain the first stick, but the second shattered, and the third- was caught. Mióm hadn't noticed this as she attempted to land a hit on Undyne, only for Undyne to knee her in the gut, and Frisk slammed her shield into Mióm's face. The Messiah lieutenant stumbled back, dazed as she blinked, appearing to grow more angry than annoyed before her eyes widened as the third stick struck her chest, thrown by Layla. Mióm was flung to the other side of the street, the brick cracking behind her. They'd been warned by Mosu she was resistant to explosive magic, but that hit against the wall had to have hurt.

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