Chapter 72

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"You're going . . . in that?"

Frisk frowned as Sadie held up Frisk's blue dress. "Yeah. What's wrong with it?"

"It's way too small, for one. Two; it's falling apart. And . . ." Sadie sniffed it. "Ugh. It smells like moldy trousers."

"I could wash it," Frisk suggested, and Sadie shook her head.

"Nope. This thing has seen better days. Besides, this is your first Homecoming with a date, isn't it?" That was true. Frisk and Terrence hadn't been together for the last homecoming. They'd gotten together shortly after, before breaking up. Still, this dress had sentimental value to her. She'd worn it to every school dance since she'd left the underground. "Frisk- you know I love ya, right?" Sadie asked, tossing the dress aside.

"Right . . . but . . . ?"

"Buuut . . . as your friend who loves ya . . . I can't let you go to homecoming in that dress."

"What am I supposed to wear, then?" Frisk frowned.

"Something in your size, silly," Sadie replied, walking over to Frisk and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I'll tell you what- you and I are gonna go shopping, and I'll help you pick out something that'll blow T's socks right off."

"But I don't want to blow his socks off."

"Too bad," Sadie grinned. "It's about time us girls had a shopping montage."

"A shopping what?"

The mall was filled with plenty of clothing shops, like Veronica's Secret, Old Royal, Macy's, and so on. Sadie led Frisk all about the mall, exploring the various shops, having her try on dress after dress, mostly blue due to Frisk's request, before Sadie pointed out that yellow would be a more fitting color for her.

"How about this one? It even has flowers!" Sadie suggested, tossing another dress onto the pile she was collecting for Frisk.

". . . I don't know, Sadie. I really liked my old dress," Frisk replied with a frown.

"Aw, c'mon," Sadie looked over at her friend. "Listen Frisk, I get why that dress is special. But you gotta face it—as you grow up, you outgrow things, and that dress was one of them. You can always keep it for the sentiment, but sometimes in life, you gotta reject tradition, and embrace modernity. Ooh, I'd look good in this . . ."

Frisk thought about what Sadie said for a moment. "Well . . . I guess you're right. I'll try the yellow flowery one on."

As Frisk held it up to her frame, Sadie paused. ". . . Okay, on second thought, that one makes you look like a grandma. Hm . . ." She looked about the store for a moment, before her face lit up. "Oh my God. It's . . . perfect! Frisk, follow me!" Her words of 'follow me' were made pointless as Sadie grabbed the teen's arm, and dragged her over to another rack with some rather sparkly dresses. A deep scarlet one stuck out from the others as Sadie plucked it out. "You'll impress more than T with this . . . the whole school is gonna dig your look!"

"Um . . . I don't really want the whole school to love it. I just need Terrence to like it."

"But he will! You could totally pull this off, Frisk, just try it on! While you do that, I think I'm gonna look into those sparkly blue ones . . ." Frisk checked out the red dress. She wasn't so sure if she liked it, but it was a little soon to judge. Sadie was much more fashionably adept than her anyways, so Frisk's gut told her to trust her friend.

She took it to the dressing room, slipping out of her outer clothes, looking into the mirror on the wall before putting on the red dress. She stared at herself for a moment, looking it over, shifting her hips, standing to the side, raising her arms, and doing a little embarrassing jig she was glad nobody else saw. The dress was rather comfortable, not to mention flashy . . . Finally, she made up her mind.

The moment she stepped out of the dressing room, Frisk was greeted with the sight of an equally flashy Sadie, who'd decided to put on one of the blue dresses. Sadie's dress seemed to double as a skirt, which made it look a little more casual, but still plenty pretty—perfect for Sadie.

"Oh. My. God. You look amazing!" she exclaimed, walking over to Frisk. "I knew you could pull it off. How do you feel?"

"I feel . . ." Frisk paused, biting her lip, before smirking. "I feel like a model." She admitted, and Sadie grinned widely.

"You and me both, girl. You can keep T, but I'm gonna make sure every guy is drooling for me tonight. And ain't none of 'em gettin' this sazzle frazzle." She dabbed her finger on her tongue before placing it on her rear, making a hissing sound.

Frisk shook her head with a giggle. "Right. Let me go purchase these."

"Oh, I can buy my own, that's fine," Sadie replied, but Frisk shook her head.

"No, really. I'll buy that for you, it's the least I can do."

"Frisk, you don't have to do that," Sadie shook her head.

"But I owe you one. If it weren't for you, I'd be wearing that worn out blue dress to the dance," Frisk frowned.

"I'm the one who offered to take you shopping. If anything, I should pay for you," Sadie replied, folding her arms. The two made some intense eye contact, mentally preparing themselves for the generosity clash that was about to ensue.

". . . Wanna just buy each other's?" Frisk asked.

"That works."

After having changed back into their regular clothes and bought their new fashionable dress wear, the two returned to Asgore's as the fateful hour for Homecoming approached, where the two would be picked up by Asgore's limo, then they'd proceed to Rian's house, where the boys would be waiting, then to Grillby's, where they'd collect Fuku and Skeeter before finally being on their way to school.

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