Chapter 74

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Eventually, they arrived at school, and when they stepped out, they were greeted with a cold breeze, signifying the changing seasons. The sun had sunk below the horizon, and the sky was quickly beginning to darken. A look around at the other students around made it clear that not many had put in the effort most of Frisk's group had. Many heads turned their way to stare, and Sadie nudged Frisk. "Most eyes are on you. Told you you'd impress the whole school."

The interior of the gymnasium was almost unrecognizable- just yesterday, kids had been running wind sprints in there and regretting everything, but now, it was . . . actually beautiful. It was a bit dim, but that only made the fluorescent white lights that circled the entire room all the more pretty. There was the classic snack-table/punch bowl setup in one corner, and at the end of the gymnasium opposite to the entrance, they'd set up a pricey-looking DJing system. Everyone was dancing, having a good time . . . it was perfect. Frisk wouldn't have it any other way.

"Alright, I'm gonna go check out the food," Sadie announced. "I'll catch up with you guys later." She strode away toward the snack table, catching the eyes of a number of classmates, blue dress twinkling every time the light hit her.

"This is nice," Terrence grinned, taking his date's hand in his own. "Care to join me for a dance, pretty lass?"

"As long as it's with you, handsome," she winked in reply, allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor. It was a romantic gesture, even though the music was a loud, obnoxious dubstep beat.

"I've never heard this song before," Fuku commented, and Rian grinned.

"There's this silly dance move for it called 'The Frill'." He told her. "Come on, I'll show it to you." With that, he too led his date into the throng of dancers.

Skeeter folded her arms, and looked at Greg. "I don't imagine you'll be asking me to dance, will you?" Greg only shrugged. Annoyed, Skeeter followed Sadie off to the snack table.

Watching his friends, Greg leaned against the far wall of the gymnasium, crossing his arms, feeling his heart rate climb with each passing second. "I hope you're ready." A voice said to his left, and he nearly had a heart attack, jumping and clutching his chest before looking to his side, finding Krashna standing there, wearing a golden vest over a black button-up shirt and black slacks.

". . . When do I have to do it?" Greg asked, his voice hushed, and he was pretty sure Krashna- or Jason, as everyone else at the dance knew him- hadn't heard him.

"One hour," Krashna replied simply, without batting an eye. "I expect your full cooperation, otherwise, you'll be going down with them."

Greg swallowed. It all came down to this. He had just an hour left . . .

"Hey," Skeeter greeted Sadie over at the snack table, going for the punch bowl, but Sadie quickly grabbed her hand.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you," Sadie smiled, slowly moving Skeeter's hand away from it. "Word on the street is that some doofus lost their gum in it."

"Yuck," Skeeter wrinkled her nose.

"Don't sweat it," Sadie grinned widely, reaching behind her, and pulling a bottle of apple cider from seemingly nowhere. "Here, check it out, the limousine had more than one."

Skeeter beamed, accepting the gift. "How'd you fit it in that dress, though?"

"I have my ways," Sadie winked. "Anyways, I'm guessing your date's not being as fun as you thought."

"I didn't expect him to be fun," Skeeter admitted, "but man, what a buzzkill."

"I hear you. He's been moping around for weeks, won't tell anyone what's up," Sadie sighed. Skeeter nodded, popping open the cider bottle and beginning her descent into ruptured bowels, if she were human, that is. "Y'know, if you want, you can hang with me for the rest of the night," Sadie offered. "I wasn't really planning on havin' a date, but I'd hate for a girl with taste like yours to go home disappointed."

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