Chapter 124

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Frisk arced the warhammer, cracking it against the second man's leg. A sickening snap echoed as his leg bent unnaturally, yet he ignored it as he continued to try and rip her limb from limb. "Crystal Tomb."

Chara's whisper of advice spurred Frisk's motive as she narrowed her eyes, raising a hand, and catching the first man's fist in her palm. It stung, but his advance was slowed as crimson crystals engulfed his entire fist, and his fingers were suddenly rendered immobile.

Bringing the warhammer up, Frisk managed to block a second hit, on top of a third, before the first man's free fist rammed against her side with immense force. A rib notably cracked as she tumbled down, all while spiders began to amass by the hundreds around Witch, more webbing wrapping like tendrils around the woman, even as she used her explosive magic to destroy thread after thread.

"Mmm . . . well, aren't you a cute little thing?" Witch looked at Muffet as the threads around her continued to burst, before being replaced by new ones. "I might even feel bad about removing all those arms of yours . . ."

"Ahuhuhu . . . not in much of a position to be making threats, are you~?" Muffet retorted as the pink-haired woman found her arms and legs tightly bound within the webbing. Spiders crawled up the webs, all of them contributing to Muffet's cause and ganging up to hopefully eliminate this threat.

But, as to be expected, Witch had much different plans. A glow of hot pink resonated within the cocoon of sticky webs that was beginning to form, pressure building up within the ball, rising and rising as it appeared ready to burst. Noticing this, Muffet continued to apply layer after layer, rapidly building up more threads to keep the Lieutenant trapped inside.

Just as the spiders neared the woman's face, a massive boom rocked the warehouse, and like a bullet out of a gun, Witch flew toward Muffet at rapid speed. More well-timed shots of webbing were enough to slow her down and keep Muffet from being ripped in half on impact, but the midair tackle was quite painful regardless, sending both women tumbling onto the warehouse floor.

Muffet may have been small, but the combination of six arms on top of fangs stabbing into your neck probably kept one from getting the upper hand over the monster as Witch soon discovered. Muffet, like most spiders would, squirmed and wiggled her way out of Witch's grasp as two threads grasped the woman's ankles and hoisted her upside-down.

It was a punch to the face from Witch that made Muffet drop her as two of her hands clutched at her face.

A stick appeared in Witch's hand, which she proceeded to hurl at Muffet, who managed to avoid it by using her own webbing to tug herself to safety as more threads made their way for Witch.

"Naughty, naughty. I haven't been allowed to eat a human before . . . maybe they'll make an exception. Just this once~" the spider hissed.

Frisk was backed against the wall, still unable to overpower these men. Sure she could delay or block or dodge, but they didn't seem to stop, or need to take a breather. The first had crystals running up to his shoulders, leaving both of his arms immobile. His solution seemed to be making his teeth his primary weapon as he continually lunged for her, aiming to try and take a bite through his mask.

To top that off, a boom thundered as a third man burst through the wall of the warehouse, crumpling into a heap. What followed through the hole was enough to let the girl sigh with relief. Mosu, Rian closely behind.

Upon seeing Frisk, Rian rushed over and tackled the second man football-style. "I thought you said you could handle them!"

"I said I'd hold them off!" Frisk growled back through grit teeth as the second man bit through his mask, clamping his jaws on the handle of the warhammer.

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