Chapter 75

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They snuck out of the gymnasium, making their way across school grounds into the 'stadium' that was the football field, rows of bleachers on either side. They slowed down their speed, following Greg out to the center of the field before he came to a stop, letting out a deep breath. ". . . Okay . . . so . . . here we are . . ." Terrence said. "What's the special occasion?" He asked.

Without looking at them, head lowered, Greg only replied with; "Wait here." And he took off out of the stadium, the others watching him go.

"Sheesh. It's kind of cold. What the heck is Greg planning?" Fuku asked, shivering slightly.

"Aren't you made of fire?" Sadie questioned.

"That doesn't mean I can't get—" Fuku paused, staring past Sadie. "Um- isn't that the Jason boy?" she asked, squinting at a figure standing on the other side of the football field. It was hard to make it out thanks to the distance and the shadows, but there was no mistaking the white hair and shiny golden eyes of Jason Clever.

"Yeah. What's he doing out here?" Terrence questioned, looking at the rest of the group; not that he expected an answer from any of them.

"Yo, Jason! What's up?" Rian called out, but the boy didn't move . . .

Sadie was quick to grab Rian's arm. "I've got a bad feeling." She told him, and the same thing traveled through everybody's mind. Their suspicions of his involvement with the Garden High bombing.

"Yeah, me too," Rian replied, glancing back at the others. "T, let's uh . . . let's go talk to him." He suggested.

"Alright . . . you don't think Greg set this up, do you?" Terrence swallowed. Seeing Jason out of the corner of his eye was one thing, but now, he was standing still . . . watching the group.

"Sure looks it." Rian replied.

Rian and Terrence began to approach, but what happened next made everyone else gasp in horror. Two golden tendrils tore their way out of the fake grass of the field, slamming into the boy's stomachs and sending them rolling across the turf—that wasn't the end of it, either. The group didn't have any time to be shocked over what Jason had just done, as he began to point to them, one by one. "Eeny . . . meeny . . . miny . . . moe . . ."

A massive wave of gold tore across the football field, faster than any of the kids could react. Sadie stood there in horror as the water-like SOUL magic rushed past her, crashing into Skeeter, who stood right beside her.

Skeeter was sent flying, crashing hard into the ground, tumbling to a stop as another tendril struck from above, slapping down like a fly swatter would to a fly. Fuku was barely able to move out of the way as it crashed into the ground.

"Damn it . . ." Terrence groaned, climbing to his feet to watch Sadie get smacked into Rian. Jason watched on, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he laid waste to the teens, smacking them around like nothing, pushing them back, unrelenting his assault. "He's keeping us at a distance. We need to get close." Terrence growled to the others, though they were a little preoccupied with attempts to dodge Krashna's strikes. "What the hell are you doing, Jason?!" Terrence demanded, attempting to run forward, but he was launched back by a wave of gold. It burned like crazy, eating away at his leather jacket.

"My name's not Jason," the boy replied matter-of-factly. "Now stand still so I can kill you." Terrence growled as he was launched back, the golden magic overpowering him. He didn't know what to do, how he could stop Jason . . . and from the looks of it, Skeeter had gotten the worst of it so far. She lay crumpled on the ground. Sadie kept attempting to reach the purple monster, but each time, she was swatted into the turf like a rag doll. Terrence took a deep breath. He had to calm down—Gerson had taught him how to fight, and this was his chance to use it. He had to protect his friends...

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