Chapter 70

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Once Asgore finished up his meal, the two of them got into his new truck, and were on their way. Both had been in high moods as of late, as things had been looking up for a while now. They sang along with some songs, including the hit Mettaton single 'Heavy Metal' before they pulled up outside of Muffet's, where Terrence was waiting beside a group of about seven girls, most of which Frisk recognized, a collaboration of monster girls and human girls alike. Also Ice Wolf for some reason. She didn't remember him on the list.

"Hey," Terrence greeted with a wave as Frisk got out, saying bye to Asgore who waved back at Terrence before taking off. "Greg's inside. We ready?"

"We are," Frisk nodded, looking at each of the girls- some were from school. Others were the ones Terrence had convinced to come here. She wasn't sure where he'd found them, but they were all within Greg's age range, so she didn't mind. And Ice Wolf. Hard to miss him.

"Now, I want all of you ladies to remember, even if you don't get picked, you're all very special in your own ways," Terrence told them, earning a few chuckles and eye rolls from the girls, Frisk included. Greg was sitting inside, looking a bit nervous- even more so as Frisk escorted the girls (and Ice Wolf) inside for the 'blind dating' part. Not really a blind date since Greg could quite clearly see each individual.

"Okay," Frisk looked at each of the candidates. "Greg is a good guy, but he's . . . shy,"

"Super shy," Terrence added. "Like Edward Scissorhands shy."

"So if he isn't super receptive, don't take it personally," Frisk continued. "Who wants to go first?" The girls looked about at each other until Ice Wolf raised his massive arm.

"Knew it," Terrence grinned. "Right this way, er . . . are you a guy or a gal?" Ice Wolf stared at him for a good minute until he shrugged. "Guess it doesn't matter. C'mon."

Terrence led Ice Wolf to the table Greg was sitting at, the boy blinking as the towering six and a half foot tall wolf monster took a seat across from him. "And here, we have candi-date number one," Terrence said in his most professional Matchelor hosting voice, before stepping away from the table to let the two converse.

Greg and Ice Wolf stared at each other for at least two minutes before Greg nervously averted his eyes, clearing his throat. "Um . . . so . . . what do you . . . like . . . to do . . . ?" He asked. Ice Wolf simply continued to stare at him, before suddenly standing up, approaching a table, grabbing it, and tossing it across the room. The entire restaurant fell dead silent as Ice Wolf turned back to Greg expectantly, who was staring at him in shock. "Uh . . ."

"What the hell?" Muffet stormed out of the kitchen, brandishing three different sized knives.

"OOOOKAY, thank you for coming, date number one- ehehe . . ." Terrence chuckled nervously, keeping one eye on Muffet as she seemed to be plotting out her method of killing Ice Wolf. The blonde attempted to push the towering monster toward the door, but he wasn't budging. "Get out, and I'll mail you a bag of ice," Terrence hissed under his breath. Ice Wolf immediately raced out the door, much to Muffet's disappointment.

As Frisk selected the next candidate, Muffet marched up to Terrence (her spiders resurrecting the smashed table in seconds in the background). "What was all that about?" She demanded, crossing three pairs of arms, still wielding her knives.

"Uh . . . we set up some blind dates for Greg to go with him to a dance," Terrence replied. "Ice Wolf was the first candidate. I . . . don't know why he threw the table."

"Ooo, blind dates, hm?" Muffet's five eyes seemed to sparkle. "Count me in, I've been dying for a little excitement~"

"Um . . . how old are you, again?" Terrence questioned, tugging at his shirt collar.

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