Chapter 52

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After getting Napstablook's address from Frisk, Terrence had walked over to the ghostly fellow's house from Catty and Bratty's salon- as much as he enjoyed the positive attention, he'd also gotten a total of three rocks thrown at him by people who probably weren't too supportive of the jailed celebrity. He just hoped Napstablook would appreciate it, all things considered. The house he came upon was strangely a little out of the way, which wasn't what he expected for a celebrity figure like Napstablook, even if he opted to mostly remain anonymous. The home was simple, but seemed very old. It had vines growing around it from all angles, and the yard was very overgrown. Then there were the trees obscuring the house, making him nearly miss it.

Terrence figured that Napstablook must really value his privacy- but a short visit wouldn't hurt, right? After all, he wanted to make friends with monsters. He wanted - no, he had to do this. As he approached the porch, out of the corner of his eye, Terrence saw a figure, but when he turned to look at them . . . they were gone. Weird. Maybe he really was losing it. "Talking to cats . . . seeing people . . . becoming Mettaton . . ." he mumbled, walking up to the front door.

He knocked a few times. Initially, there was no response, before a voice drifted through the window nearby, which appeared cracked but intact. "come in.........." Terrence slowly pushed open the door, and was surprised at the sight he was greeted with. The interior of the house was way different than what he'd expected. Napstablook had an entire computer system set up, alongside a large flat screen television nearby. A vast assortment of cords hung from the ceiling, running all about, attaching to monitors and devices and surround sound speakers. Comfy bean bag chairs were scattered about, and there was a box of various headphones next to the computer desk. On the center of the floor is where Napstablook the ghost was, lying face-up, staring at the ceiling, a pair of headphones on his head. "oh. hey......." He looked over at Terrence.

"Hey there. Napstablook, right?"

"yeah..... um..... you look kind of familiar...... but i don't think we've met......."

"Did Frisk tell you about me?"

"oh...... i think so...... but you weren't wearing that in the picture........"

"Oh- yeah, well, I stopped by a salon on the way, and they insisted on this look," Terrence chuckled. "you look like mettaton..... cool......." Napstablook said, and Terrence could swear for a second that he could see the faintest hint of a smile. "sorry...... i don't host people often....... i'll go get refreshments......"

"Oh, that's okay, you don't have to." Terrence replied, but the ghost had already drifted upward, turned himself right side up and hovered into a neighboring room. "do you like lemonade........... or water............?"

"Um . . . water's fine," Terrence replied. Blooky drifted down, 'holding' a glass of water in his 'hand', but it looked oddly spectral to Terrence. "Thank you," Terrence smiled, accepting it- but it phased through his hand, hitting the ground with a spooky thunk. They both stared at it for a moment, before it seemed to just fade, and Napstablook sighed. "oh............. sorry............... i don't usually have.... corporeal guests..............." He drifted back into what was presumably the kitchen, and after a few moments, he came back. "sorry....... all i have is.... ghost stuff..............."

"That's okay." Terrence replied with a shrug, and looked about. "This is a really cool place you got."

"yeah............ i think so too....."

"Do you make all your music right here?" Terrence asked, glancing at the ghost's setup. "actually, yeah....... do you wanna hear the beat i've been working on.....? it doesn't have any words or anything since mettaton isn't around...... i hope that's ok......."

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