Chapter 38

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The pick-up order was Sadie, Terrence, Frisk, and then finally, Greg. Sadie and Rian were probably already hanging out, so it was more than likely that they'd arrive at Frisk's house very soon. She began speed walking, wanting to at least be able to freshen up for a few minutes beforehand, even if they were just going to Grillby's.

It wasn't a particularly long walk, but Sans and Papyrus' was a bit out-of-the-way in terms of housing. They'd somehow brought their house from Snowdin with them, and nobody dared question it. Not even the seemingly unmelted snow on their roof was questioned.

She managed to get home before the others came to get her, allowing her to dash inside and start splashing her face with some water, then she brushed her lengthy hair. Frisk raised an arm and smelled her armpit, before gagging and snatching her deodorant to apply it.

Once she applied her deodorant, she smelled a bit fruity, which was pleasant to the nose. She couldn't really pinpoint which fruit in particular, and the only description that the packaging offered was 'Fruity Scent.' Her skin had always been quite clear, so Frisk didn't see much need for makeup, but perhaps a bit of blush wouldn't kill her. She wanted to look presentable, after all . . .

A loud honk outside interrupted her, and she quickly patted on the blush, before rushing out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and out the front door, slamming it closed behind her as she raced to Rian's car. Terrence opened the door for her and she hopped in. "Let's go," Frisk greeted breathlessly, turning to look at Terrence and grinning. He smiled back, and there was a tense moment where he leaned forward- but the moment passed and they turned away.

"Frisk," Sadie announced from the passenger seat. "Girl, did a monkey put blush on your forehead? Lean forward, let me pretty you up."

"I didn't expect you guys to get here so soon, I panicked," Frisk defended herself as she leaned forward to let Sadie fix her makeup. Sadie already seemed to have a makeup kit ready to go, which was mighty convenient.

"I really need to teach you how to use this stuff sometime," the girl commented- somehow, despite the fact that her hair was covering one of her eyes, and they were in a moving vehicle, Sadie's wrist was steady as a rock, and she had no problems correcting Frisk's blush-disaster.

"That'd be great. How long did it take you to become this pro?" Frisk asked, and Sadie chuckled.

"Two slumber parties, a swollen wrist, and a very pretty Rian." Rian grumbled at this as they made their way to Greg's.

"Sounds like a fun story." Frisk commented.

"That was only half of it." Sadie winked. She offered Frisk a small mirror, which she accepted. Looking into it, Frisk was shocked—the makeup was flawlessly applied; it looked as if she hadn't accidentally put blush on her forehead in the first place.

"You were right," Frisk commented, "you should teach me how to use this stuff sometime." Satisfied, Sadie returned her attention to the front as Frisk leaned back to show off Sadie's handiwork to Terrence.

In moments, they were outside of Greg's house, the sun having set by now, and every light in the house seemed to be on.

"It feels like we're breaking into the haunted house from 'The Ghost and Mr. Chicken'." Rian gulped.

"The Ghost and who?" Terrence asked, leaning forward to look at Rian questioningly.

"You know," Rian began, turning around, "that 1966 movie starring Don Knotts."

"Who?" Frisk provided her input.

"Doesn't matter. Rian just digs really old movies," Sadie replied, opening her car door and exiting. "You two know where his room is, right?" She asked, glancing over at Frisk and Terrence, to which the latter nodded.

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