Chapter 100

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A couple hours later, Undyne and Frisk were now short two members. Mosu had split off to lead Sadie back to the base, and Layla remained, tailing the two at a distance after Undyne had barked at her to give them some space.

Now they were walking down the street. What street? Frisk didn't know. She hadn't been paying attention to that. They were silent for a moment, until Undyne finally broke the ice. "That note seemed to uh . . . have more of an effect on you than me. Was it actually . . . cursed . . . ?"

"I . . . dunno," Frisk replied with a shrug. "Are you having nightmares, too?"

"I . . . dunno," Undyne repeated Frisk's words. "I never remember my dreams. Wait, what are you talking about? You've been having dreams about this . . . whoever this guy with the green eyes is?"

Frisk gave a nod, and frowned. "How do you know about Him?"

Undyne scratched the back of her head. "Some blind guy," she admitted. "I thought it was some stupid prank or something. He was there, then he vanished and left me a note that said something like 'wonder what color his eyes are'," she looked toward Frisk. "You've been dreaming about this green-eyed guy?"

Frisk shrugged again, still trying to figure it out herself. "I'm not sure," she admitted. "I've been having these . . . nightmares. There's always these green eyes in them. I've just been sort of . . . ignoring them. But . . . I don't know if they could be connected to that note."

Prompted, Undyne took it from her pocket, narrowing her eyes at the words, shaking her head slowly. "I don't think it's a coincidence," she admitted. "I think there's . . . something else to deal with. Outside of the Messiah, I mean."

Frisk agreed with her on that.

Layla was allowed to join them again, and they devised their next course of action, knowing they still had a few more people to find. That was when Undyne presented an idea. Risky, yes, but it had potential of working. They could try to bust into the VCPD and access their city-wide video surveillance through traffic cams and the like. Frisk and Layla weren't coming up with any better plans, so it was agreed that this was their next destination.

Running about an empty Voxis City all day wasn't exactly what Frisk had been expecting to do today, but she hadn't expected things to be so dire here. There wasn't much to go off of. They'd questioned Sadie about the whereabouts of Fuku and Grillby earlier, but she wasn't very responsive. Her responses were simply shrugs, so she didn't know where they were either, though she had alerted Frisk to Rian's whereabouts, as he was currently being watched over by his father at his home, which took some amount of weight from Frisk's shoulders. Not much. But some.

The VCPD wasn't too far of a walk, but when they got there, it became clear that the Messiah may have anticipated this. Several Messiah goons were stationed outside of the building, their ski masks covering their faces, automatic rifles held in their hands.

"Jesus, do all of them have to have automatic rifles?" Frisk hissed to Undyne, who didn't reply as she visually inspected the scene for a few more moments before turning to face the girls.

"Doesn't look super busy. If we can knock out the guards—"

"Knock out?" Layla frowned. "Why not kill them?"

Frisk turned to look at Layla, who appeared . . . genuinely confused that killing wasn't the go-to option. "We don't kill," Undyne replied simply, "even if . . . we might want to sometimes."

"That's stupid," Layla argued, "they're killing you guys and you just don't kill them back? You'll die out before you make a difference."

"We. Don't. Kill." Frisk enforced, feeling her right hand tingle for a moment. A familiar feeling. A dark one. Layla didn't seem to understand the no-killing rule in the slightest, and her argument wasn't dismissable to be fair. Frisk had her own, very personal reasons, for not killing anyone. But Undyne? She wasn't making Undyne remain passive. What was stopping Undyne from killing?

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