Chapter 54

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They continued on past the creek, and soon enough, the sound of running water faded, replaced by strange radiant clicking sounds. Almost like quick-noted chimes. "Hear that? We're close." Gerson informed his companion as they pushed on, and eventually, the tunnel opened up into a massive cavern. "Whoa . . ." Terrence gaped about, staring at the cavernous room they'd entered. The ceiling was full of crystals that were glowing deep blues, purples, and pinks, as well as reflecting the orange of his SOUL. "This is Crystal Cave."

"Mhm." Gerson nodded, satisfied at his reaction. "This is where we'll begin your real training."

"You mean . . . that wasn't even the start of my training, back there?" Terrence swallowed, looking around the room at the flawless crystals. He could make out his reflection in each one if he focused hard enough. "I told you it would be hard," Gerson shook his head. "Don't tell me you're ready to call it quits?"

"Of course not! I'm ready! I can start training right now, even!" Terrence suggested. "Well why do you think we're down here, eh?" Gerson cackled, before sitting on the ground, folding his legs together, and setting his clawed hands in his lap. Terrence stood there for a moment, watching him, before frowning. "Uh . . . what are you doing?"

"The same thing you should be doing." Gerson replied. "Your SOUL may style on aggression and offensiveness, but to truly master your power, you must first learn to meditate. To let go of all your emotions. They clog your mind and SOUL with unnecessary things, ultimately making you weaker. With a clear mind, you can use your abilities at their maximum potential."

"Y'know, a PE teacher once told me the same thing; just a lot dumber, and without the SOUL stuff," Terrence replied as he mimicked Gerson, sitting criss-cross and letting his arms relax, hands in his lap. It felt nice, after that ludicrously strained climb across the ceiling of the cavern. He took a deep breath, eyes closed, trying his best to get into the meditation mindset. However, things kept swirling through his mind. He found himself continually thinking back to his friends, but mostly Frisk, and what they were up to. Every time he emptied his mind, more thought would replace those he cleared. After some amount of time, he let out an annoyed sigh. "I can't meditate." He stated. Gerson simply cackled in response. Terrence decided to continue trying, but he met the same results. Some time later, he let out another annoyed sigh, louder this time. "It's not working."

"Do you hear that?" Gerson asked. Terrence paused, listening, but all he heard was the strange chiming. "Just that . . . weird sound."

"That's the crystals." Gerson stated, his eyes still closed as he sat in his meditative position. "Do you feel that?" Terrence paused once again, before shrugging. "What am I supposed to be feeling?"

"A gentle breeze flowing against you. In the center of the ceiling is a natural hole that leads right to the surface. That chiming is the crystals rubbing against each other from the wind." Terrence looked up again, for the first time noticing that the crystals seemed to be softly swaying. "I thought crystals were firm? Like . . . attached."

"These crystals are different." Gerson told him. "They are Singing Crystals. They hang loosely from the ceiling, rubbing against each other to create a beautiful song. It's a wonder of this world, as these crystals have never been found anywhere else." He opened his eyes to look at Terrence. "When meditating, clear your mind. Take in your surroundings. Listen to the song. Feel the breeze. Let go of your worries. Become the cave."

The more Terrence thought about Gerson's words, the more he realized that he'd already meditated earlier today. But this time, he wasn't going to lay down on the ground and feel like garbage. Instead, he was going to sit on the ground and feel like . . . the cave. He closed his eyes, taking another deep breath, forcing himself to repeat the same thought on loop- listen to the song. Listen to the song. "Wrong," Gerson cackled. "You're listening to my words, and using them to try and fuel your thoughts, rather than your actions."

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