Chapter 69

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2 Weeks Later . . .

A young woman sat in her room, sheets of paper before her as she sat at her desk, writing away an essay. Over the past few weeks, her room had changed greatly. She'd begun to personalize it, finally beginning to consider it home. Several pictures lined the walls, most of which were held up by thumb tacks. Pictures of her and her friends and family. Her old clothes had been long sold in a yard sale by now, and Toriel's house had finally been cleared out, meaning Frisk had all of her old belongings back.

Things were finally starting to look up, somewhat. Things finally seemed to be getting . . . better. She rarely worried over the Messiah anymore. It was just assumed that they'd given up after their plans ultimately failed and crawled back into whatever hole they'd come from to lick their wounds.

Frisk was currently working on another project for English II, this time it was about 'responsibility'. She didn't find herself procrastinating on it. Instead, she was tackling it right out the gates. Funnily enough, she was being responsible. Frisk paused, lifting her pen off the paper, peering down at it for a moment. The smell of pancakes wafted up into her room, as Asgore was busy cooking breakfast. After a moment, she continued to write before her phone buzzed, sitting nearby on the desk. Setting down her pen, she grabbed the device and checked to see the notification. A text from Terrence. She was quick to open it and read what he'd said.

Terrence: Mornin!

Terrence: It's finally here.

Terrence: You nervous?

Frisk smiled. Terrence was referring to the Homecoming dance, which was going to be hosted in Voxis High's gymnasium from 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM that night. She'd planned on wearing her usual blue dress to the dance, in spite of the fact that it was falling apart at the seams and way too small for her.

Frisk: Morning! I couldn't be more excited. Homecoming is going to be a lot more fun than English homework.

Terrence: That's a given. I was thinking I could rent a limousine, we could arrive in style.

Frisk: Actually, Asgore already offered. He said you, me, and all our friends could go in it.

Terrence: Ooooo, that'll be fun. I'll have to think of something else special, then.

Frisk: It'll be special no matter what, as long as we go together.'

Terrence: Aw. You're cute. Cheesy, but cute.

Frisk stood up from her desk, traveled to her bed, and plopped down on it, resting on her back as her lengthy hair splayed out around her.

Frisk: How would you even afford renting a limo, anyway?

Terrence: No idea. I thought I'd just figure that out later.

Frisk rolled her eyes, humored. It was just like Terrence to make plans but forget the whole planning part of it.

Frisk: How's training going?

Terrence: We just finished. I still can't hit Gerson. For an old dude, he's super fast.

Frisk: You still need to take me to see those singing crystals.

Terrence: I will. Eventually. As soon as I hit a turtle.

Frisk: I'll hold you to that.

Terrence: I promise to take you on the best crystal date ever.

Frisk smiled. The way Terrence talked about those crystals, she was looking forward to visiting the cave. He'd attempted to send her an audio file of the song, and it did indeed sound lovely and peaceful, but Terrence promised it was even better in person. From what Gerson had said, that cave had been singing for hundreds of years, but she'd never even heard of it until now. She had to guess that somehow, it had gone lost to time.

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