Chapter 48

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"I still don't get why the turtle is a target. We should give the newbies something real to face," Krashna folded his arms as he stared at the back of Father's head, who was staring into an aquarium, several exotic fish floating past. He said nothing, so Krashna continued. "And Magnum. Even if she is somehow still alive, she'll no doubt turn on us. Or run. Both her and Raptor. She's never wanted to be here and you know it." Still silence. Nikolai stood near the door of the room, cigarette in his mouth as he watched the scene unfold.

"Need I mention your long absences? You've been abandoning your duties for your own secret agenda, and it's doing nobody any wonders." Krashna took a step forward, golden eyes shining brightly.


Krashna let out a strained growl of frustration. "Why won't you talk?" he demanded. Finally, the Father lifted a hand, and the boy fell silent. Father softly swished a glass of iced brandy in his hand, staring thoughtfully at the fish. A good minute of silence passed by, before he spoke.

"Once upon a time, there were two brothers," he said. "These brothers were powerful. Handsome. Intelligent. Gifted. They assisted their father, the King, with ruling their lands." He paused, taking a thoughtful sip of the brandy.

"The King gave his sons autonomy over the lands. He told them that they could help him rule the land, on the condition they don't question his judgment." A sudden school of fish suddenly swam by the glass in the large aquarium. "The eldest son did his best by the King, ruling over the kingdom with his father, obeying his every command, never once casting judgment on his decisions. So the King told his eldest son that one day, he would be King in his place. The second son did the same. He helped his father rule the kingdom, keeping peace and harmony, and never once questioned the King. He too, was promised to be King one day.

"However, the youngest son didn't think this was possible. He did not believe that one day, two kings could rule the land. So he questioned his father. He demanded that the King change his law, and decree only one of his sons as the rightful heir to the throne. The King, however, did not choose. He had promised them both leadership and power, and would not choose one over the other. The youngest son took this as a sign of weakness and incompetence. He began to question his father's every decision, finding faults where they did not exist, becoming hateful and selfish, craving the power for himself."

"Father, what does this—" Krashna began, but was interrupted by a 'shush' from Nikolai.

Father continued, "The King, saddened that his one rule had been broken, offered his youngest son one last chance. Resume life as it was, or die." He paused, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh.

"That night, the King mourned the loss of his youngest son. The son he had loved the most. Now dead at his own hand, carried out by decree he himself had issued. When the time came for the King to pass on, only the eldest son was left to rule the land, which had grown far too large to govern by himself. The Kingdom of Jasper, and the Kingdom of Leaves. One for each son, merged into a great capital. Without the support of his younger brother, the eldest brother's power waned, and eventually, the people turned against him. The Great Empire of Gardens fell that day, and in its stead, monsters rose, bringing forth the Kingdom of Hopes, ruled by the mighty Asgard Dreemurr." He stopped, and Krashna frowned.

"This story was true?" he asked.

The Father gave a slow nod, his back still to the others. "A story lost to time. A story from the first days of the Messiah. If we are not careful, we may share the same fate," he turned his gaze to look upon Krashna, glasses flashing brilliantly, reflecting the cool light of the aquarium. "Do not question me. Do not question my actions, or my decisions, lest you share the youngest son's fate, and ultimately, the Messiah's downfall."

Krashna couldn't believe what he was hearing, golden eyes burning with rage. Oh, how he hated this side of the Father—the secretive side. For all they knew, the man could have simply made up that story in order to get Krashna to keep his trap shut . . . and for what? "A touching tale," Krashna folded his arms. "But can you look me in the eyes and tell me that there's no truth in my words? This organization doesn't stand for sentiment or mercy, Father, there's no reason why we should be neglecting the truth for Magnum's sake."

"Your concerns are not invalid," the Father assured his fellow leader. "but I'll say it again. You must have faith in your king, young Krashna. What he does is for the benefit of the Messiah. You can't see it yet, but you will with time. Until that time comes, you are not to question my choices." Krashna's eyes flickered with anger once again, but instead of arguing, he lowered his head slightly, saying nothing more.

Satisfied, the Father turned back to the aquarium. "Leave me," he ordered. "I need to think." Krashna rolled his eyes before turning and walking out with Nikolai, who'd remained uncharacteristically silent the entire time. For several moments of quiet, the Father stood there, before leaning forward and raising his arm to catch himself on the glass of the aquarium, quiet tears streaming down his face, his other hand clenched into a ball.

"My little girl . . ." he muttered under his breath, shutting his eyes tightly, shoulders shaking slightly, the leader of the most powerful organization in the world silently crying alone.

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