Chapter 107

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Undyne's internal decision took effect. Just like when she arrived, the transition was seamless. Even as she felt her atomized body reconstructing itself, she could feel her mother's arms around her.

The dirt was gone, but the pain returned. It felt like she was being torn apart by thousands of tiny knives, cutting so deep within. But beneath that all was a burning, nigh indescribable sensation. A fire erupting deep inside of her, inside of her very SOUL. So fierce and powerful . . . she latched onto it, feeding it with her will. The stronger the burning became, the less pain she felt.

The Messiah wouldn't get rid of her so easily.

Finally, she opened her eyes, staring down at her body for a moment to find it was like a hazy fog, dust trying to disperse, yet slowly being forced back together.

She was defying death itself.

"You're not going to stop," her gaze lifted to face the primary threat: Nikolai. Emotion finally showed on his weathered face; shock, expressed so clearly through his widened mouth, the way his jaw hung slightly open. Enough for a lit cigarette to drop to the ground from his lips as he watched, a beaten Witch at his side looking even more dumbfounded than him as Undyne's body struggled to rematerialize.

A crack boomed through the air, though not a cloud hung in the sky, even as it darkened around them, a great power emanating from the fish monster. Like thunder, more cracks rumbled through the sky, a gust of wind breezing through the small valley.

"You're going to kill everyone, aren't you?" Undyne continued. "It doesn't matter if they're humans, monsters, whatever. You'll keep trying to rule your reign of terror."

Feeling her body come back together, the power inside grew stronger and stronger with each second. So much power physically manifesting as her expelling energy generated the gusts of wind.

For better or worse, she felt pretty certain she'd just become anime.

For some reason, it was . . . difficult to focus. Not on her building determination, but on Nikolai. It was as though she believed she ought to be looking at someone else, someone smaller.

"Everyone's hopes. Everyone's dreams . . . vanquished in an instant!"

Undyne glowered upon the young Frisk, whose gaze back lacked any and all emotion. The dust-covered knife in the girl's hand gleaming in the light of Undyne's new-found power.

"But I WON'T let you do that!"

It was as though thousands of images were flashing across her mind, and through her eyes. Frisk, her adversary, in every single one. Every. Single. One. The scenario played through her mind. A battle with the girl. Winning so many times, and losing so many others . . .

These weren't illusions. These were memories . . .

Shaking her head, Undyne bared her fangs as she glared at Nikolai. Those memories would be dealt with later. Frisk would be dealt with later.

For now, she would focus on the enemy in front of her.

"You stand in the way of our hopes. Our dreams," It was like repeating a line she'd said a million times before. Like reading off a script. This was far from the first time she'd tapped into this power. Somehow . . . somehow things like this had happened before.

"So I stand in your way," Undyne asserted, her body forming fuller and fuller as Nikolai began to regain himself, a glower besetting his face as he took off his trench coat, tossing it aside, to roll up his sleeves. "And I. Won't. Move." With that last word, a final crack thundered out, and Undyne's body was complete. A flash of crimson seared through the sky above, signifying her transformation.

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