Chapter 13

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"Maybe he got a schedule change and just happens to have not checked his phone," Terrence suggested. He and Frisk had been tossing back and forth ideas about why Greg was gone and what he could possibly be up to. So far, Frisk's favorite was when Terrence had suggested that Greg was busy volunteering at an animal shelter and got caught up with a Homeward Bound scenario, helping lost pets through the German wilderness. It was a nice thought, albeit unlikely.

"No, that can't be it. They don't change our schedules after three weeks into each class," Frisk shook her head. The two were seated in a booth at Muffet's, having decided to switch things up a bit and not go to Grillby's.

Muffet's was packed, as usual. Ever since the spider monster had stopped adding spiders to all of her meals, her popularity had skyrocketed. Most of her spiders did the grunt work while the young monster herself resided behind the front desk, greeting customers in with her flirty grin and five blinking eyes.

Terrence and Frisk's orders came down from the ceiling, being lowered by a small team of spiders, the plates set down gently in front of them. One of the spiders waved at Frisk before they all shot back up to the ceiling. "Still creeps me out," Terrence muttered, watching the spiders go.

"Don't worry, they wash their hands," Frisk assured him. She'd ordered some crêpes, while Terrence had just gotten a bagel. The spiders had brought him a lighter, unsplit, frosted bagel, however. It was otherwise known as a donut.

Not that he was complaining.

"So, how was Marine Biology without Greg?" Terrence asked as he took a bite.

"It was pretty boring," Frisk admitted. "But there were two new students, so I guess it was a little bit eventful."

"You mean Rian?" Terrence asked. "I had a class with him. He's okay. I'm guessing his girlfriend is the other one you're talking about?"

Frisk blinked, "Are they together?"

Terrence offered a shrug, "Dunno. Was hard to tell from the way he talked about her."

"And how was Earth Science without Greg?" Frisk asked.

Terrence sighed, leaning back, "Empty, honestly. It was kind of weird not seeing his hand shoot up in front of my face at every question Mr. Gagne asked. Even he seemed to be missing Greg," at this, Terrence paused. "Remember when you told me that Mr. Gagne asked Greg to stay after class and Greg acted weird after? What if . . . these are connected?"

"You really think something that Mr. Gagne told Greg would make him skip classes?" Frisk cocked her head to the side. "I guess we don't have a better explanation. What could they have talked about, though?"

"No idea," Terrence admitted, frowning. "Maybe he sent Greg to college early or something. I just wish he'd text back . . . hey, I have an idea; since I'm not busy after school, maybe we could go by his place and get our explanation."

"I . . . I like that idea," she smiled warmly. "This is probably a bad time to tell you, but speaking of after school, my dad wants you to come over for dinner."

Terrence's face darkened with a red tint, "O-oh? Really? Why's that?"

Frisk shrugged, "Nooo idea," she lied, though she wore a smile, her tone teasing. "He set us up on a date, he's inviting you over for dinner . . . even you could figure this one out."

"Alright, alright, I can put two and two together," Terrence raised his hands in playful defensiveness. "I'll come. Just promise me he won't serve Papasta again. Papyrus is cool and all, but he's given me so much of that stuff . . ."

Frisk giggled, "No Papasta. He was actually going to make lasagna last time, but Papyrus must have swapped our ingredients out at some point."

They both fell silent, before Terrence looked up from the table at Frisk, opening his mouth to speak, before closing it, unsure of how to say what he wanted to say. "Um . . . Frisk?" he asked. She looked up from her food, raising a brow at him. "I know . . . last time you said no, but I . . ." he paused, biting his cheek, "You're . . . sorta giving me really mixed signals here, not gonna lie."

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