Chapter 63

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The rest of the day went fairly great, and Greg found himself enjoying it. He hadn't taken the time to enjoy anything in quite a while. His dad always had that effect on him. Finally, however, the day was winding down and coming to an end, and before long, he was back home, hugging his dad and little sister goodbye. Greg couldn't help but notice that his mom hadn't even bothered to see her only daughter as he watched his dad drive off.

Once he was in his room, he plopped down onto his bed, pulling out his phone to notice the group chat was currently active. He opened it up, scrolling through various messages before he reached the end.

Sadie: Rian finally did it!

Attached was a video. When Greg watched it, he found Rian standing at the entrance to Grillby's, speaking to Fuku, the two staring at each other pretty intensely as they spoke. He backed out of the video, looking at the next texts.

Frisk: Congratulations!

Terrence: So prud.

Sadie: you guys should see him, he's so full of himself right now.

Terrence: Smug boi.

Frisk: Now we just need to get Greg a date to Homecoming.

Greg was quick to begin typing his reply.

Greg: Guys, I think I'm just gonna go by myself.

Frisk: That's no fun, you should have a date.

Sadie: I dunno, F. I'm going by myself, and I know I'm gonna have fun.

Terrence: Greg should have a date. He needs a pretty girl in his life.

Sadie: he already has 2 tho??

Terrence: One he can date

Sadie: Oh lol

Greg: Seriously. It's fine.

Terrence: C'mon, dude I'm sure anybody would be happy to be your date. You're awesome!

Sadie: I can agree. well, when your nose isn't stuffed in a book.

Terrence: Not helping.

Sadie: what? It's a helpful tip!

Frisk: Greg. We're gonna find you a date. And you can't stop us.

Greg couldn't help but smirk lightly at that, before letting out a sigh.

Greg: Alright. You win.

Terrence: I'm so happy

Greg: You can like . . . set up some blind dates for me or something.

Sadie: that's actually a really good idea.

Frisk: I'm sure I could convince some of the girls at school to do it.

Terrence: And I know an alleyway where a bunch of girls hang out. I could ask them, if they don't mug me first

Greg: Please don't set me up with an alleyway girl.

Sadie: why not? alleyway girls are a lot of fun at parties. used to be one, myself, back in the day.

Greg: I'd rather go with someone from our school.

Frisk: I'm already forming a list in my head.

Greg: Anyway, I'm off to bed. I've had a pretty good day with my dad. Later.

Sadie: sleep tight, Gregerickson.

Rian: What'd I miss?

Greg turned off his phone and set it down on his stomach as he stared up at the ceiling, pursing his lips, thinking about all the potential people who'd show up for a blind date with him. A part of him wanted to believe that he'd get at least three, but a larger side of him doubted he'd get any attention.

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