Chapter 24

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Asgore stepped out of the elevator, making his way toward his office, fumbling with the keys in his pocket for a moment before reaching the door and unlocking it. His goal was to access the drive in his pocket, and dig up as much as he could about this 'Messiah'.

He had to be cautious—as much as he wanted to, he couldn't go anywhere near that Demon folder. Otherwise, he'd be in hot water once again, possibly with an even stronger foe. Asgore plugged the drive into his office computer, which whirred to life. It was a slow but reliable PC, and Asgore could appreciate the simplicity. The files from before popped up on his screen. He directed his attention to the codenames, sorting things out.

So far, Demon had attacked Toriel . . . Psycho had attacked him . . . Trickster had attacked Mettaton . . . Raptor had attacked Papyrus . . . He'd already gotten a glimpse at Warmth, the one attacking Undyne next. His next interest was Truck. He needed to know who was targeting Frisk, then he'd get a look at Raptor, figure out how he'd dealt the kind of damage he had.

Then Trickster was a good one to look into next, learn how she, he, or it had tricked Mettaton into thinking it was Papyrus . . .

Then the Psycho woman. She clearly knew a lot about him, so he wanted a knowledge advantage as well.

Asgore double clicked on the 'Truck' folder, and was greeted with an article about another 'Lieutenant.' The photo was a lot different, and he was expecting something more intimidating. He had glasses, a somewhat genuine-looking smile, shaggy reddish-brown hair, and chiseled features.

Honestly? He didn't look like a lieutenant of a terrorist organization in the slightest. He reminded Asgore more of a clueless barista. Nonetheless, this man was apparently going to attempt to kill Frisk in three days, and he wanted every bit of information possible.

It only took about five minutes to read through the file, and the general idea of what Asgore learned was that the man had been that he was born into this Messiah, which seemed more like a cult than a terrorist organization by the second. He was naturally kind-hearted, emotional, and quite stupid. He made up for all of that with impossible strength and durability.

The King was quick to realize that this man was something Frisk could handle easily by her lonesome. If she'd managed to befriend Undyne in the Underground, this Joe "Truck" Bob wouldn't be a problem.

Regardless, it wouldn't hurt to warn her about it in advance. Asgore clicked out of the file- next up was Raptor, the one who had attacked Papyrus.

When he opened the article, the first page was different from the others.

WARNING: Disturbing Imagery

Asgore scoffed, certain it was just a bad attempt to get him not to view the information. He scrolled down, and was greeted with information on Lieutenant Draegan 'Raptor' Hyland. The image seemed normal enough- a man with slightly overgrown, but well-kept dark brown hair, a halfhearted attempt at a smile, and deep green eyes.

Asgore began to read through the article. Raptor had apparently also been born into the Messiah, but what was all this about experiments?

When he scrolled to see the next photo, his stomach did a somersault. This was what that warning had been about. There was an image of a man- Raptor- chained down to a table, crying out in pain as multiple figures with lab coats and surgical masks inserted syringes and strange glowing shards directly into his green SOUL, something more terrible than anything done to one's body, for sure.

The article went on to describe the animalistic traits Raptor had received through these experiments, including feathers, talons, claws, and apparently even scales. Asgore shuddered.

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