Chapter 14

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The moment Asgore entered his home, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. He winced slightly, feeling Frisk's head press against a busted rib. "I'm glad you're okay." He told her, closing the door behind him as she let go.

"Are you kidding me?" she asked, "I'm glad you're okay. Sans told me what happened."

Asgore gave a small smile, "No need to worry about me, my child, I'm alright. It's more than I can say for those poor people that got caught in the middle of things."

Frisk eyed Asgore, noticing the bandages on his face and hand. He looked tired, and she couldn't blame him.

"I'll make you supper tonight," she decided.

"What?" he asked as she grabbed his big furry hand and led him to the couch.

"You get the night off, dad," she told him. "Relax and heal. I'll make something for us to eat."

"Are you sure?" Asgore raised an eyebrow as he sat. "I wouldn't want you to burn yourself, or something of the sort."

"I'll be alright, I know how to cook," Frisk assured him. "You just take it easy, okay?"

Asgore let out a sigh, before smiling warmly at his adopted daughter, "Thank you, Frisk," he told her. "I'll be in here if you need me." With that, he sat down. Satisfied, Frisk moved to the kitchen, already having an idea of what to make; vegetarian lasagna. The plan hadn't changed. She'd need to invite Terrence over too. That still stood, despite the circumstances.

She pulled out her phone as she tapped a few buttons on the oven to begin the preheating process.

Frisk: 'Hey, I know today's been kind of weird, but are you still coming over for dinner?'

A couple of seconds later, a reply bubble popped in.

Terrence: 'Yeah, when should I be there?'

Frisk: 'Any time is alright. I'm making vegetarian lasagna.'

Terrence: 'Oh no, I just fell down a well and I can't get out.'

Frisk: 'Har har'

Terrence: 'I'm melting! Oh what a world!'

Frisk: 'Melt your way over here.'

Terrence: 'Alright alright, I've been needing to try new things anyway. See you in a minute.'

Frisk smiled, sliding her phone into her back pocket before getting to work as Asgore leaned back on the couch, feeling his wounds ache.

His mind was reeling with the recent events. That woman . . . she'd been sadistic. Psychotic. Terrifying. He'd never faced someone like her before. Sure, he'd faced tougher, but the way she toyed with him . . . it was all unsettling. Every part of his mind screamed to hunt her down and exact revenge. She'd taken Toriel from him . . . but for some reason, he didn't think she had. Toriel's death had been much different than the attack on his life. This woman was certainly not working alone. He'd need to pay Undyne a visit and see if he could get involved in the investigation surrounding the recent monster attacks.

His gut sank as he recalled the poor people in the path of his truck . . . His heart ached at the memory. It made him sick to his stomach, and a part of him couldn't help but wonder; he'd been the only one so far to actually survive one of these strange, sudden attacks against monsters. Would she be coming back for him? In his sleep, perhaps? Paranoia began to creep in, much to his chagrin. Frisk had wanted him to relax, but all he could think about was how horrible this all was.

A few minutes later, a knock could be heard at the door. Asgore looked over to see Frisk, busy cutting some leaks, and decided to stand up to answer it. Perhaps it was the police, or maybe a lawyer, or . . . something. He opened the door, and saw a familiar orange-eyed boy standing there.

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