Chapter 29

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". . . She already knows," Frisk stated, closing her phone.

"She does?" Terrence frowned.

His girlfriend nodded, "Somehow . . . I think she and Asgore were uncovering what Toriel found. Who's ready to see my dad again?"

"Me. Also, Greg, just so it doesn't weird you out when you see it randomly, uh . . . Frisk and I are back together," Terrence informed Greg as the boy stood.

He only shrugged in reply, "Surprised it took you this long," he admitted, stuffing his burger into his mouth and letting it hang there as he slipped on his jacket.

Terrence left a tip on the table for Fuku, and with that, the three left the restaurant. Frisk was quietly going over the hospital scenario in her head- what would she even say? 'Hey, Dad, can you give me the details on that terrorist organization you've been researching that you didn't tell me jack shit about?'

"Hey, uh, you and Asgore aren't gonna like . . . argue, right?" Terrence asked.

She turned her head to see that he wore a nervous expression, likely just from the thought of that conflict. "I hope not," Frisk admitted. "I'm hoping that he'll just be honest with me about it."

But as they entered the street, they suddenly found it was . . . strangely deserted. Not a soul was in sight. Which was odd, as during their four years of walking out of Grillby's they'd always been greeted by the sight of at least one person. The street was silent, and Frisk was the first to catch onto it, feeling unsettled. "Okay, something isn't right," she commented.

"There some kind of curfew we didn't hear about . . . ?" Greg asked, swallowing. They couldn't think of a reason why it was like this. After all, it was about 2 PM on a Friday. There should have been plenty of people out and about, especially on a canceled school day.

"Uh . . . maybe everyone's gathered somewhere else, some kinda mayoral rally," Terrence suggested. "But we should probably still be headed to the hospital. We can ask someone there about it."

"Yeah, let's-" Frisk was cut off when a blast of orangish-brown light suddenly struck her in the chest dead-center. It was almost like slow motion as her body was lifted into the air, before her form was flung across the street.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Terrence and Gregory both yelled in unison as two men suddenly ran out onto the street, faces covered by ski masks, donning military-grade gear, automatic rifles raised at the two teens as a hulking figure stepped out of an alleyway, his face a twisted grimace. Frisk frowned, before it suddenly dawned on her what was happening. Was . . . she being attacked? Right now, Greg and Terrence were being held at gunpoint, and this towering figure who'd locked eyes with her looked unfriendly. "Frisk!" she heard Terrence shout, but the masked men shot some muffled threats toward him, which made him shut his mouth.

She clambered up to her feet as the tower of a man stomped his way to her. He was easily nearly Asgore's size, maybe even equal, and undoubtedly more packed with muscle. She had no idea the human body was capable of such mass. The masked men marched their way to Terrence and Gregory, and before either boy knew what was going on, they'd both received knocks to their heads from the butts of the rifles, and fell to the ground, knocked out.

The man had bronze eyes, and saucers for hands as he raised one, a ball of bronze energy appearing in his palm. "Say night-night," he grunted.

Frisk had initially been willing to talk this out, but when Terrence and Greg hit the ground, she could feel her jaw grow tight. They must have been hit hard to get knocked out like that, and that wasn't something she was willing to overlook. The man reeled back, before throwing the orb like a fastball. Frisk dodged to the side just in time as it smashed its way through a brick wall. She swallowed, intimidated- she could not get hit by something like that again, feeling a bruise forming on her chest. Luckily, the armed men seemed glad to stay out of this behemoth's path, so Frisk only had to focus on one opponent.

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