Chapter 119

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"Stupid," he glowered out from around the trees, glaring at the castle grounds, not staring at anyone in particular. "Stupid," he repeated, the word more forced. Flowey was feeling more agitated than usual. "Just hang around" the smiley trashbag had said. Oh yeah, that's easy for him to say. There were things to do, places to be, skulls to crack—not that there was any pun to be made there. Flowey had grown quite unamused with the humor Sans exerted.

No, he'd just sit around here and do absolutely nothing, waiting for the numbskull to get off his lazy butt and get a move-on. They were so close to their target. Flowey had suffered these last four . . . five . . . however many weeks he'd been working with Sans. He'd held his tongue through every agonizing moment. And by "held his tongue" he of course meant he spent every second verbally assaulting the skeleton, not that he cared any. Now he wanted them to stick around through the night.

It was all so pointless. The new timeline holder had been in their grasp, but thanks to this diversion, she'd slipped through their fingers. To top that off, Sans had forbidden Flowey from interrogating Layla (only after the flower had made an attempt) or anyone else.

It was enough to make anyone livid. But as much as Flowey wanted to go ballistic, all he could feel was a general annoyance at the situation. Like most things, he couldn't really feel for them. Not anymore. So he did his best to exert the emotion he felt he should be showing. It was all due to the simple fact that Flowey was lacking a SOUL, yet maintained the consciousness of Asriel Dreemurr. A twisted variant of his former self, sure, but Asriel nonetheless.

So he sat there in the snow, brooding, calling Sans stupid every few seconds to remind himself why he needed to be angry right now. However, a noise behind him broke him from his stupor. He wasted little time in whirling about, a dozen pellets materializing in the air around him, ready to be launched with a mere thought.

The person who'd snuck up on him was one of the Messiah Lieutenants. Well, ex-Messiah Lieutenants. The girl with pink hair, though her blonde roots were beginning to show. Her bright blue eyes hid what her hair betrayed; the fact that her SOUL did not share the color of her eyes, something not very common.


Flowey stared up at her for several long moments after her word was spoken, which hung in the air. He was . . . confused, to say the least. Who the hell did she think she was? And why the hell did she assume he'd want to speak to her? Finally, the pellets faded, and Flowey rolled his eyes before turning back to face the kingdom.

To his mild annoyance, she proceeded to sit down in the snow beside him. Okay, what the hell was going on? He'd never made any indication to her that they were friends. This was stupid. "It's weird," Magnum said, prompting Flowey to groan.

"Okay, I'll bite," he growled. "What do you want? A cookie? Too bad, I don't have any. Consolation? Good luck finding that from me. Do you want a friend? Look elsewhere, pal." Magnum didn't reply immediately, instead staring where he'd been staring. Her lack of response annoyed him further. "Oh, now you shut up."

"I said like, three words," she replied.

"And now you just said more," Flowey rolled his eyes. "Don't be an idiot. I'm not here to be your friend. Go find another shoulder to cry on." He returned his attention to the castle grounds. "Stupid," he muttered. "Stupid. Stupid." She didn't leave. He tried to ignore her.

"It's weird," she repeated.

"What's weird? The fact you still think I care what you have to say? Yeah, SUPER weird!" Flowey spat, whirling on her, his pellets appearing again. "You doing literally anything else would be nice."

"Look at them," she replied, ignoring his jabs, and pointing to the castle grounds.

"Ugh. Stop it, will you!?"

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