Chapter 92

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And just like that, they were gone. Terrence slumped against the wall, letting out a sigh as he rubbed his temple, a mild headache beginning to settle in for whatever lame reason. He needed to focus on something, get his mind off of everything. After thinking about Frisk for a few minutes, his thoughts shifted to the homecoming dance. When they'd been on the floor together, and they'd kissed. He'd never kissed a girl before despite being relatively popular, and honestly, he wasn't planning on kissing any others. He'd always really liked Frisk, before, during, and after their initial relationship together. His thoughts shifted once again, past the dance and toward his battle with Krashna. It was all coming in a lot clearer now, and he could remember the raw power the Messiah leader wielded. How much like an anime antagonist he spoke. Terrence was honestly surprised Krashna hadn't started spouting off lines like "these attacks are hitting you at 100 miles per hour" or "feel the wrath of my Hundred Suns attack" or something equally ridiculous.

He'd tried to fight off Krashna, and managed to somehow hold his own. He thought for sure he'd die, but here he was. Blinded and broken, but alive. That had to be worth something, right? Once more, his thoughts shifted, this time unto Gerson. His now foster dad. Still felt a bit funny referring to the old turtle in such a way. Even 'sensei' or just 'master' seemed more sensible, strangely enough. He'd been training with the old coot for . . . what . . . half a month or so now? Still couldn't land a hit on the guy, but he'd learned plenty. Mostly meditation, SOUL summoning, the basics. One thing he'd been taught was SOUL healing, something that most SOULs, even offense-based ones were supposedly capable of. He'd never been taught the specifics or how to do it, but perhaps he could try and heal his leg with enough concentration.

It was worth a shot. Not like he had anything better to do.

Placing his hand over his leg, Terrence winced as his touch shot pain up through his body like an electrical current. Gritting his teeth, he tried to block it out, instead focusing. Deep breaths. In . . . and out . . . Empty the mind . . .

He could feel the energy coursing through his body as the world seemed to grow dead silent. It had seemed quiet before, but now he could notice absolute silence as he blocked out everything. Blindness was definitely an advantage to this meditation. Usually when he used his magic, he thought of it as a weapon. Now he was trying to direct the energy in a medical sense. Aid his broken leg, heal it.

The back of his mind registered the pain in his leg once again, but this time he could feel that it was increasing, threatening to break through his meditation. He was doing something, he just wasn't sure what. Blocking it out was beginning to falter his meditation, but he kept at it, hoping he wasn't about to just snap his leg clean off.

And suddenly, he could see again, but had no time to react as Krashna sent a golden tendril spiraling at him, piercing through his chest and—

Terrence jumped with a gasp, his meditation shattered by the vision, his jerky movement causing him to slam his head against the wall, simultaneously causing him to bite down on his tongue.

Wincing, Terrence pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth and a hand against the back of his head to try and ease the temporary pain with mild success. "Shit . . ." he hissed at himself.

"What happened?"

He nearly jumped again at Greg's voice to his left. He'd been so focused in his meditation he hadn't even heard the boy enter. Terrence turned his head in the general direction from where the voice had come from. "Huh? What?"

"You were using your SOUL but . . . like . . . did it hurt?" Gregory inquired, to which Terrence grumbled, rubbing the back of his head before calming down.

"Kinda. I was trying to heal my leg but . . . I dunno how to use healing magic yet. What color magic was I using?"


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