Chapter 147

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"You know, I seem to recall both of you escorting me from the hospital last time we did this," Asgore's chuckle was contagious as Frisk had Terrence hold onto her arm despite him insisting he could move around perfectly fine.

"Yeah, but I don't think I want hot singles in my area sniping for my bootie, though," Terrence replied in reference to his comment about Asgore's change of clothes when he'd been let out of the hospital all those days ago.

Once again, Asgore snorted with laughter as Frisk shook her head, smiling. It'd been over a day since she'd been let out now, and the sun was getting ready to settle, the sky in the process of transforming into an array of pinks and oranges. She'd already texted the group chat to have everyone meet up at Grillby's. There . . . she'd be releasing her bombshell. To be honest, she wasn't sure if she'd even still be in Voxis when the sun rose tomorrow. It was leaving her feeling antsy and less engaged in the humor around her.

Grillby's wasn't too far from the hospital, and although Asgore had offered to give them a ride, Frisk had insisted that they walk there. This could be the last time she'd get to see Voxis City for some time, after all. Even if it wasn't at its best, she wanted to spend a little extra time just . . . seeing everything, having this familiarity with her surroundings. One last nice memory walking down the sidewalk with Asgore and Terrence, listening to their bizarre combination of dad jokes and high school humor. One last nice meal at Grillby's surrounded by the people she cared about. And then . . . she'd deliver her news. Not everyone would be thrilled, that she already knew. The thought of everyone's reactions were what made this difficult. Regardless, this was something she wanted to do- no, needed to do. And nobody was better suited than her to track down Demon. She was the only one who'd managed to harm him, after all. As far as she was aware, nobody else had ever come close. She'd filled in Asgore on her plan, of course, and he'd offered to see her out on her leave. Of the children Asgore had lost, she felt he desired to see one of his own out of the nest on his own terms. It wasn't like she'd deny him that.

As they walked, Terrence seemed to notice Frisk's silence. When asked, she merely replied that she was enjoying the peace. She doubted he bought it, but he didn't press. When they arrived at Grillby's, the windows were still busted and the place didn't look exactly optimal for business, but the others were waiting inside. Rian, Sadie, Fuku, Gregory—and even Magnum, whom Frisk hadn't been expecting. "Ooo, hey," Asgore broke her thoughts, pointing toward a BBQ down the road. "Looks like Alistair's just opened back up! You kids have fun, I need some dad food," he gave Frisk a wink before he hurried off.

"That felt a lot like the time he left us on our unplanned date," Terrence commented, and Frisk smirked at the memory.

"Well, we're not alone this time. Everyone's inside."

Terrence held the door open for her even though she'd planned on it being the other way around, and she gave him an appreciative smile, which he returned . . . admittedly, the fact that he was able to detect what she was doing despite a lack of vision was pretty cool. Probably superior to normal vision, really, because like Rian had said, T's other senses would become stronger over time. Speaking of Rian, he was sitting nearby at a table in the center of the restaurant. The only occupied table, considering the restaurant had yet to re-open. Sadie was seated beside him, with Magnum and a quiet Gregory seated across from the pair. Fuku was presumably in the back cooking the food like she'd offered the other day.

"Frisk!" Rian beamed. "And my main man T!" he stood up, grinning as he extended a fist toward Terrence, which the boy promptly bumped his fist against. "Ha!" pumping his fist in the air, Rian turned to point at Sadie. "Told you he'd do it back! Daredevil all the way!"

Terrence settled into one of the three remaining seats, Frisk settling in beside him as greetings were exchanged between them. "Hey, Magnum," Frisk looked at her. "I wasn't expected to see you here."

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