Chapter 28

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"Ohn wam," Greg muttered through a mouthful of burger, "I miffed bif . . ."

"So, where have you been?" Frisk asked.

Gregory swallowed his bite, and set his burger down, "It's been . . . well, I was . . . I went up to Unitropolis and uh, Lightway University is interested in having me," he told them, biting his lip.

"Huh. So that's what that pamphlet thingy was about," Terrence nodded, taking a sip of lemonade.

Gregory donned a puzzled expression, "How did you . . . wait, did you go in my room?" he asked.

"Uh . . . yeah. I went to check on you, and your front door was open. Sorry."

"You didn't touch my encyclopedias, did you?"


"Then it's fine," Greg nodded. "So, uh, the reason I didn't call or text . . . One; I have a crap phone and no mobile data. You know that. Two; I was . . ." he paused, pursing his lips before clearing his throat. "I wasn't sure what you guys would think. About it. I mean, I know you'd be happy for me, but . . . I don't know. I thought maybe for some reason we wouldn't be friends anymore if you knew I was leaving. I . . . had opportunities to reply, I'll admit, but . . . Gosh, I'm sorry, guys. I really am. As smart as I am, I really don't have the best judgment, do I?" he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head, his gaze on the table.

"You thought we wouldn't be friends anymore?" Terrence squinted, before shaking his head. "Well, I . . . I mean, obviously I'd still want to be friends with you if you went off to Lightway."

Frisk nodded in agreement, placing both hands on the table, "Greg, you know the three of us will still be friends no matter where you go, right?"

Greg blinked, before a small smile appeared on his face, "Thanks, guys . . . but, I don't know. I might just stay put in High School for now."

Both Terrence and Frisk's eyes widened. "Wait, really?" Terrence asked, leaning forward. "Dude, this is like, a huge opportunity!"

"I know. But I can't leave. Especially not now," Gregory glanced around nervously, before leaning in. "Something freaky happened just before I texted you guys. Like, a few hours before but . . . have you ever heard of the Messiah?" he whispered.

"You mean like Jesus?" Terrence asked, before taking a sip of lemonade.

"I- no. I mean a group called the Messiah that's been . . ." Gregory's voice dropped to a whisper as he leaned closer to them. "A group that's been attacking monsters."

"Is that what those people call themselves?" Frisk asked curiously. Did Greg have some kind of information on the Messiah? Or . . . had another attack happened that she hadn't heard about?

"They um . . . were at my house," Gregory explained. "Talking to my mom. They were asking about me. Apparently my mom knows the guy talking to her really well too, some big Russian guy, it was . . ." he was talking faster with each word, and paused to catch his breath, throwing an anxious glance about the bar. "It was terrifying. It really was. They said that Undyne was getting attacked today, and that she needed to get me ready."

"Ready? Wait, wait, what? Undyne's getting-" Frisk found herself with a lot of questions. "Did they give her the details? Why would you need to get ready? Are you in danger? Is Undyne going to be okay? When is this happening? We have to warn her!"

"I- okay, please slow down," Greg ironically asked. "Maybe we should go somewhere more, um . . . private."

"No," Frisk shook her head, glancing around. "Only us and monsters. We're fine. I'm not budging until you tell me every last detail."

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